The heavy work clamps are used for contour sawing of particularly heavy materials, as
well as for sawing stacked parts to produce multiple parts in one operation. These clamps
have a bail bearing base and have a standard clamping capacity of four inches.
A special center block provided which should be inserted in the table center and sawed to
leave a path or kerf for the saw blade to travel in. It is important that this center support
be used when cutting stacked parts since it will prevent the bottom pieces from bending
downward or vibrating which will cause excessive wear on the saw band. Clamp the four
work holding clamps on the material and square the work with the blade through the use
of the table tilting device.
Each clamp is provided with gear teeth which mesh with the power feed chain.
Heavy work slides permit easy movement of heavy parts which would be difficult
to feed into saw band. The slide bars contain ball bearings and have a separate center
block to support the material at the
point of cutting.
Insert the special center support in the
table center disk. The center block
should then be sawed so that the path,
or kerf, is made for the band to travel
in. This will allow a solid contact be-
tween the work and feed table surface
at the sawing point.