For internal sawing, the blade is inserted through the starting
hole in the work. The ends of the saw blade are then brought
together to be clamped into the jaws.
When rewelding a used band -
cut out the old weld - it is
recommended that the saw
band contain only one weld.
NOTE: When welding band which
passes through hole in workpiece-
be sure to insulate bond from
contact with workpiece or table,
this will insure a better weld.
Place the band ends between the jaws with the teeth against the
line-up guides which are attached to the front edge of the jaws,
see sketch.
Blades which are 1/8 inch or less in width are too
narrow to be clamped correctly when they are placed
against the line-up plates. Move these narrow blades
back slightly from the line-up plates and align them
by eye, then clamp them in place.
The jaws are clamped by moving the handles upward.
Check to be sure that the band ends meet in the center of the jaw
gap without any offset either in thickness or across the width. If
the contact across the width is not complete, remove one end and
recut it. A misaligned joint will cause an incomplete weld.