TM 9-3418--01-14 & P
All control levers and adjustments are grouped within a small space, making them convenient to the operator's
Identification numbers of the various controls shown in illustration on opposite page are as follows:
1. The ball crank on the top of the vertical feed screw is for manually feeding the tool head up or down. Directly
below the crank is a graduated collar which shows the amount of travel. Each graduation of the dial represents a
movement of one thousandth (0.001)inch of the tool head.
When so ordered a power feeding mechanism is furnished for the tool head. A description of the power vertical
feed is given on page 15.
2. This knob and plunger must be pulled outward to allow lever 3 to be shifted to the high speed range position.
3. This lever starts, stops, and selects the speed of the ram. There are two ranges of speed, high and low.
Within each range lever 6 provides infinitely variable speed changes. The dial on lever 3 is marked to show the setting for
the various functions.
4. The length and position of the ram stroke is determined by the setting of these knobs. On the inside of the
ram and attached to these knobs are the reversing cams which actuate the pilot valve for reversing the ram stroke. The
knob at the rear reverses the ram at the end of the cutting stroke while the one at the front reverses on the return stroke.
5. Reversal of the direction of ram stroke at any point during either cutting or return is accomplished by means of
this lever. To become acquainted with the advantages of this lever, start the ram into motion with a long, slow stroke.
When the ram has reached a point about midway in the cutting stroke shift this lever toward the rear and note that the ram
immediately reverses. Shifting toward the front has the same effect during the return stroke.
As an example of the value of this feature, suppose that the feed had been set to an amount greater than the
power of the machine could accommodate and the ram stalled in the cut. By simply shifting this lever the tool is backed
out to permit adjustment of the difficulty. Other advantages will be discovered as experience is gained in the operation of
the machine.
6. The valve operated by this lever varies the quantity of oil delivered to the ram cylinder and thereby governs the
ram speed. The valve operates in the same manner in both the high speed and low speed ranges which are selected by
lever 3.
Shifting the lever toward the front decreases the ram speed; toward the rear increases it. By using levers 3 and 6
in conjunction with each other any speed, from the lowest in the low speed range to the highest in the high speed range,
may be obtained. When operating in the high speed range, the flow of oil to the cylinder must not be reduced below the
low speed range.
7. The amount of cross or vertical feed to the table is regulated by this handwheel. Screwing it down decreases
the feed, up, increases it. The selection as to vertical or cross feed is made by the setting of lever 8.
8 and 9.
These two levers are used in conjunction with each other. Lever 9 selects the setting for either
vertical or horizontal movement of the table and after it has been set lever 8 selects the direction of motion for that setting.