TM 9-3418-201-14&P
It was stated previously that no one except a thoroughly experienced mechanic should be allowed to make
adjustments. This is for the reason that no exact formula can be given for setting the chokes. It is more a matter of
gaining experience in the results obtained with different settings. However, it can be explained that screwing the chokes
inward will slow up the ram action, while opening them will produce sharper reversals. Adjustments should be made
slowly and carefully so that the result of each slight turn may be observed.
Care must be taken to see that chokes 2 and 3 are not screwed in too far as this would cause damage to the valve
spool and the choke.
The chokes become accessible by removing the square door from the left side of the column.
Before starting to make adjustments the feed cylinder should be entirely closed off either by closing the valve at
the bottom of the cylinder or by screwing the feed adjusting screw down so that the feed piston has no movement.
For the first adjustment of the chokes the ram should be set for the shortest possible stroke and adjustments
made for the low and high ram speeds. Then set the reversing dogs for a long ram stroke and observe that it may be
necessary to open the chokes slightly to get the best action. The ideal setting is to strike a balance between the short
stroke at high speed and the long stroke at low speed.
The Hy-Draulic shaper is powered by an electric motor directly connected to the hydraulic pump by a flexible type
coupling. On the 16", 20" and 24" standard a 71/2 H. P motor is used. The 24" Heavy and 28" carry a 10 H. P. motor.
On direct current or 60 cycle alternating current the motor runs at 1200 R.P.M., on 50 cycle at 1000 R.P.M., and
on 25 cycle at 750 R.P.M.
On the 16', 20' and 24' standard the pumps are as follows:
1200 R. P. M. ........................................................................... Model V-135-20
1000 R. P. M. .............................................................................. ."
750 R. P. M. .................................................................................. " V-135-X-20
On the 24' Heavy and 28' the following pumps are used:
1200 R. P. M. ........................................................................... Model V-135-X-20
1000 R, P. M. ................................................................................ " V-145-20
750 R. P. M.. ................................................................................. " V-145-20
Installation and maintenance information on all pumps is given in
Bulletin 1-133744 and I-3100S.
Parts are listed on parts drawing I-3102S. Both of these publications are included in this book.
Sequence valve pressure is set at 250 lbs. with pump running and ram stopped.
Main pressure is set at 1000 lbs. with ram stalled in cut or at the end of stroke.