TM 9-4110-255-14
The following emergency procedures can be performed until field NBC decon facilities are available. If NBC attack is
known or suspected, mask at once and continue mission. If outside, follow decon procedures below to avoid taking
contamination into controlled area. Do not unmask until told to do so.
Detailed decontamination procedures can be found in: FM 3-3, FM 3-4, and FM 3-5.
a. Nuclear Decontamination. Brush fallout from skin, clothing and equipment with available brushes, rags, and tree
branches. Wash skin and have radiation check made when tactical situation permits.
b. Biological Decontamination. Remain masked and continue mission until told to unmask.
c. Chemical Detection and Decontamination.
Some decontamination sprays can cause personal injury and should not be used on personnel.
(1) Contact your local chemical detachment or unit for proper use of decontamination equipment.
(2) If exposure to liquid agent is known or suspected, clean exposed skin, clothing, personal gear, and
equipment, in that order, using M258A1 kit. Use the buddy system. Wash exposed skin and thoroughly decontaminate
when tactical situation permits.
(3) Use M8 paper from the M256 Chemical Agent Detector Kit or M9 paper to determine if liquid agent is
present on the equipment.
(4) If the M8 or M9 paper indicates that liquid chemical agent is present on the equipment, use the NBC-M11
decon apparatus to decon equipment.
2-31/(2-32 blank)