Figure 1-0. Refrigeration Unit - TM-9-4110-255-140018CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-9-4110-255-140019CORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL.SECTION II EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION - TM-9-4110-255-140021Figure 1-1. Major Components - TM-9-4110-255-140022SECTION III PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION - TM-9-4110-255-140023Figure 1-2. Operating/Electrical SystemFigure 1-3. Electrical Schematic - TM-9-4110-255-140025Figure 1-4. Electrical Wiring Diagram - TM-9-4110-255-140026REFRIGERATION SYSTEM. - TM-9-4110-255-140027Figure 1-5. Refrigeration System - TM-9-4110-255-140028Figure 1-6. Refrigeration Schematic - TM-9-4110-255-140029AIR HANDLING SYSTEM. - TM-9-4110-255-140030CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4110-255-140031OPERATING CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - TM-9-4110-255-140032Figure 2-1. Operating Controls and Indicators - TM-9-4110-255-140033FAULT CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. - TM-9-4110-255-140034Figure 2-2. Fault Controls and Indicators - TM-9-4110-255-140035SECTION II. OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-9-4110-255-140036Leakage Definitions for Operator PMCSFigure 2-3. Operator PMCS Routing Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-3. Operator PMCS Routing Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RDTable 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140041Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140042Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140043Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140044Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140045Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140046Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140047Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140048Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140049Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140050Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140051SECTION III OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-4110-255-140052Figure 2-4. Operator Controls and Indicators (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-4. Operator Controls and Indicators (Sheet 2 of 2) STARTUP PROCEDURES.OPERATOR CHECKS. - TM-9-4110-255-140056SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES. - TM-9-4110-255-140057Figure 2-5. Decals and Instruction Plates (Sheet 1 of 2) - TM-9-4110-255-140058Figure 2-5. Decals and Instruction Plates (Sheet 2 of 2) - TM-9-4110-255-140059SECTION IV OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-4110-255-140060NBC DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES. - TM-9-4110-255-140061CHAPTER 3 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4110-255-140063MALFUNCTION INDEX - TM-9-4110-255-140064NBC DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES. - TM-9-4110-255-140065NBC DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES - CONTSECTION III. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESCLEANING .CHAPTER 4 UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4110-255-140069INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. - TM-9-4110-255-140070PRELIMINARY SERVICING OF EOUIPMENT .Figure 4-3. Unit PreparationRefrigeration System ValvesPRELIMINARY ADJUSTMENT OF EOUIPMENT .Figure 4-5. Defrost Timer AdjustmentSECTION III UNIT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-9-4110-255-140076Figure 4-6. Lubrication (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4-6. Lubrication (Sheet 2 of 2)Special Information Paragraphs. - TM-9-4110-255-140079Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RDTable 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140081Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140082Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140083Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140084Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140085Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140086Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140087Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140088Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140089Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140090Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140091Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140092Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140093Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140094Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140095Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140096Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140097Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140098Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140099Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model F5000RD - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140100 MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTSSECTION IV. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUCTIONSTROUBLESHOOTING .TROUBLESHOOTING . - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140104TROUBLESHOOTING . - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140105SECTION V UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4110-255-140106Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140107FRONT COIL GUARD PANEL REPLACEMENT.EVAPORATOR COVER PANEL REPLACEMENT .ACCESS PANEL REPLACEMENT . BARREL BOLT REPLACEMENT.UNIT MOUNTING BOLT ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT .Assembly. - TM-9-4110-255-140113WIRES, CABLES, AND HARNESSES TESTING, RFPAIR, AND REPLACEMENT .Figure 4-13. Wires Cables and Harnesses Repair - TM-9-4110-255-140116Table 4-4. Wire List - TM-9-4110-255-140117Table 4-4. Wire List - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140118Table 4-4. Wire List - Continued - TM-9-4110-255-140119Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140120CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT .Figure 4-14. Control Box Assembly - TM-9-4110-255-140122 Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140123CIRCUIT BREAKER CB1 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140124Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140125LAMP ASSEMBLY DS1 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140127FUSES F1 AND F2 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140128Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140129CONTROL RELAYS K1, K2 AND K3 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140131TIME DELAY RELAYS TD1 AND TD2 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT .Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140133 Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140134HOUR METER M2 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140136AMMETER M1 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140138TOGGLE SWITCH S1 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140139Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140140DEFROST TIMER TM1 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140141Figure 4-23. Defrost Timer - TM-9-4110-255-140142Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140143REMOTE BULB THERMOSTAT S2 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-24. Remote Bulb Thermostat (Temperature Control)Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140146 Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140147ENGINE SPEED SWITCH S8 REPLACEMENT.Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140149CONTROL TRANSFORMER T1 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT .Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140151THERMOMETER TESTING AND REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140152Figure 4-27. Refrigeration Temperature Gage (Thermometer)Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140154CONTINUOUS DUTY SOLENOID K5 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT .Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140156BATTERY BT TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-29. BatteryRemoval. - TM-9-4110-255-140159 Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140160TEMPERATURE SWITCH S3 REPLACEMENT . Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140162PUSH SWITCHES S9 AND S10 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT .Figure 4-31. Push SwitchesInstallation. - TM-9-4110-255-140165V-BELTS REPLACEMENT AND ADJUSTMENT .Figure 4-32. V-BeltAdjustment. - TM-9-4110-255-140168ENGINE PULLEY REPLACEMENT .IDLER PULLEY REPLACEMENT.Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140171CONDENSER FAN REPLACEMENT .Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140173EVAPORATOR FAN REPLACEMENT .FLANGE BEARING (CONDENSER FAN) REPLACEMENT .FLANGE BEARING (EVAPORATOR FAN) REPLACEMENT .Installation - TM-9-4110-255-140177GREASE FITTING EXTENSION REPLACEMENT .FAN CLUTCH C1 TESTING AND REPLACEMENT .Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140180Figure 4-40. Fan ClutchInstallation. - TM-9-4110-255-140182SOLENOID VALVE L1 (LIQUID LINE) TESTING AND REPAIR. - TM-9-4110-255-140183Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140184SOLENOID VALVE L2 (DEFROST LINE) TESTING AND REPAIR. - TM-9-4110-255-140185Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140186OIL FILTFR REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-43. Oil FilterAIR CLEANER REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-44. Air CleanerMUFFLER REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-45. MufflerENGINE OIL PRESSURE SWITCH TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.ENGINE TEMPERATURE SWITCH TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140195FUEL SOLENOID TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140197STARTING MOTOR REPLACEMENT. Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140199 FUEL FILTER REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-50. Fuel FilterVOLTAGE REGULATOR REPLACEMENT.ALTERNATOR TESTING. GLOW PLUG TESTING AND REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-53. Glow PlugENGINE DRAIN HOSE REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-54. Engine Drain HoseENGINE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-55. Engine.Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140210Installation. (CONT) - TM-9-4110-255-140211FUEL SUPPLY HOSES/FUEL PIPE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-56. Fuel Supply Hoses (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4-56. Fuel Supply Hoses (Sheet 2 of 2)Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140215Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140216Installation. (CONT) - TM-9-4110-255-140217 FUEL RETURN HOSES REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-57. Fuel Return Hoses Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140220IN-LINE FUEL FILTER REPLACEMENT.Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140222FUEL GAGE REPLACEMENT .Figure 4-59. Fuel GageSENDING UNIT REPLACEMENT .Figure 4-60. Sending UnitFUEL TANK REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT.Figure 4-61. Fuel TankRemoval. - TM-9-4110-255-140229Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140230GASKET (HEAT SHIELD) REPLACEMENT .Figure 4-62. Gasket (Heat Shield)SECTION VI PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENT - TM-9-4110-255-140233LONG TERM STORAGE OR SHIPMENT .LONG TERM STORAGE OR SHIPMENT - CONTCHAPTER 5 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4110-255-140237TROUBLESHOOTING . SECTION II DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSInstallation. - TM-9-4110-255-140240ACCESS PANEL REPAIR.Repair. - TM-9-4110-255-140242Figure 5-3. Control PanelBATTERY SHIELD REPAIRFigure 5-4. Battery ShieldCOMPRESSOR PULLEY REPLACEMENT .FAN DRIVE SHAFT REPLACEMENT .SERVICE MANIFOLD INSTALLATION. - TM-9-4110-255-140248Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140249Figure 5-7. Service Manifold InstallationDISCHARGING THE REFRIGERANT SYSTEM. - TM-9-4110-255-140251PURGING THE REFRIGERANT SYSTEM .Figure 5-9. Nitrogen Tank ConnectionBRAZING/DEBRAZING PROCEDURE .Braze. - TM-9-4110-255-140255Braze. (CONT) - TM-9-4110-255-140256LEAK TESTING THE REFRIGERANT SYSTEM. - TM-9-4110-255-140257Testing. - TM-9-4110-255-140258EVACUATING THE REFRIGERANT SYSTEM .Figure 5-10. Evacuation of Refrigerant SystemCHARGING THE REFRIGERANT SYSTEM . - TM-9-4110-255-140261Figure 5-11. Refrigerant Charging (Total System)Partial Charge. - TM-9-4110-255-140263Figure 5-12. Refrigerant Charging (Partial System /Small Quantity Charge)Partial Charge. - TM-9-4110-255-140265REFRIGERANT SYSTEM PRESSURE CHECK. - TM-9-4110-255-140266Table 5-1. Pressure Temperature Relationship of Saturated Refrigerant R-134a - TM-9-4110-255-140267Testing. - TM-9-4110-255-140268DEHYDRATOR REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140269COMPOUND GAGE REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140270Figure 5-14. Compound GagePRESSURE GAGE REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140272Figure 5-15. Pressure GageSTRAINER REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140274ISOLATION VALVES REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140275Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140276RECEIVER REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140277Figure 5-18. ReceiverCONDENSER COIL REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140279Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140280PRESSURE REGULATOR VALVE (DISCHARGE) REPLACEMENT. - TM-9-4110-255-140281PRESSURE REGULATOR VALVE (CRANKCASE) REPLACEMENT. Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140283CHECK VALVE REPLACEMENT .METAL HOSE ASSEMBLY (DISCHARGE) REPLACEMENT .METAL HOSE ASSEMBLY (SUCTION) REPLACEMENT .ACCUMULATOR REPLACEMENT . - TM-9-4110-255-140287Figure 5-25. AccumulatorSOLENOID VALVE L1 (LIQUID LINE) REPLACEMENT . - TM-9-4110-255-140289Figure 5-26. Solenoid Valve (Liquid Line)SOLENOID VALVE L2 (DEFROST LINE) REPLACEMENT . Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140292STOP VALVE (LIQUID LINE) REPLACEMENT .STOP VALVE (DEFROST LINE) REPLACEMENT .Figure 5-29. Stop ValveSIGHT INDICATOR REPLACEMENT .DIFFERENTIAL OIL PRESSURE SWITCH S5 REPLACEMENT . - TM-9-4110-255-140297Figure 5-31. Differential Oil Pressure SwitchDUAL PRESSURE CONTROL SWITCH S2 REPLACEMENT . - TM-9-4110-255-140299Figure 5-32. Dual Pressure Control SwitchHEAT EXCHANGER REPLACEMENT . - TM-9-4110-255-140301Figure 5-33. Heat ExchangerEXPANSION VALVE REPLACEMENT . - TM-9-4110-255-140303EVAPORATOR COIL REPLACEMENT . - TM-9-4110-255-140304Figure 5-35. Evaporator CoilInstallation. - TM-9-4110-255-140306COMPRESSOR B1 TESTING, SERVICE, REPAIR, AND REPLACEMENT .Figure 5-36. CompressorService.Repair - TM-9-4110-255-140310Repair (CONT)Shaft Seal.Removal. - TM-9-4110-255-140313Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140314TUBING AND FITTINGS TESTING, REPAIR, AND REPLACEMENT .Figure 5-37. Tubing And FittingsNOZZLE TESTING AND REPLACEMENT .Figure 5-38. Nozzle Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140319INJECTION PUMP TESTING, REPLACEMENT, AND ADJUSTMENT.Figure 5-39. Fuel Injection PumpsRemoval. - TM-9-4110-255-140322Installation. - TM-9-4110-255-140323Adjustment. - TM-9-4110-255-140324FUEL PUMP REPLACEMENT .Figure 5-40. Fuel PumpCYLINDER HEAD TESTING, REPLACEMENT, AND ADJUSTMENT.Figure 5-41. Cylinder HeadTesting. - TM-9-4110-255-140329ENGINE OIL PUMP INSPECTION AND REPLACEMENT. Inspection. - TM-9-4110-255-140331FLYWHEEL REPLACEMENT .Figure 5-43. FlywheelInstallation. - TM-9-4110-255-140334 ALTERNATOR REPLACEMENT .ENGINE AND COMPRESSOR BASE REPLACEMENT .Figure 5-45. Engine and Compressor Base SIDE DOORS REPLACEMENT.Figure 5-46. Left and Right Side DoorsFRONT DOOR REPAIR .Figure 5-47. Front DoorHOUSING REPAIR. - TM-9-4110-255-140342CHAPTER6 GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-9-4110-255-140345WARRANTY TECHNICAL BULLETIN . - TM-9-4110-255-140346APPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) - TM-9-4110-255-140347Maintenance Functions - TM-9-4110-255-140348Explanation of Columns in the MAC, Section II - TM-9-4110-255-140349Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements, Section III - TM-9-4110-255-140350Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-4110-255-140351Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Cont - TM-9-4110-255-140352Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Cont - TM-9-4110-255-140353Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Cont - TM-9-4110-255-140354Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Cont - TM-9-4110-255-140355Section III. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT - TM-9-4110-255-140356appendix c COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LIST - TM-9-4110-255-140357SECTION III BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - TM-9-4110-255-140358APPENDIX D ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST - TM-9-4110-255-140359APPENDIX E EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-9-4110-255-140361SECTION II EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-9-4110-255-140362SECTION II EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST (Cont)APPENDIX F ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMS - TM-9-4110-255-140365MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER LIST . MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER LIST . - ContinuedFigure F-1. Tube, Copper Straight, Various - TM-9-4110-255-140368Figure F-3. Gasket, Various - TM-9-4110-255-140369Figure F-5. Insulation, Sound and Temperature, Part Number 148K0000-1/204Figure F-7. Insulation Tubing, Part Number 148K0000-1/233Figure F-10. Gasket, Control Box CoverFigure F-12. Gasket, Top/Bottom, Part Number 148K0143Figure F-14. Tube, Coil To Heat Exchanger, Part Number 148K0168Figure F-16. Tube, Expansion Valve Bypass, Part Number 148K0171Figure F-18. Tube, Heat Exchanger to 0.375 Elbow, Part Number 148K0174Figure F-20. Tube, Receiver Inlet, Part Number 148K0222-1/TFigure F-21. Tube, Receiver To Filter Drier, Part Number 148K0223-1-T25591.doc' by LOGSA - Page 1 of 412Figure F-22. Tube, Hand Valve To Solenoid N.C., Part Number 148K0224-1/TFigure F-23. Tube, Solenoid N. C. to Sight Glass, Part Number 148K0225-1/TFigure F-24. Tube, Sight Glass To Elbow, Part Number 148K0226-1/TFigure F-25. Tube, Compressor Discharge, Part Number 148K0227Figure F-27. Tube, Strainer Hand Valve, Part Number 148K0229Figure F-28. Tube, Strainer to Solenoid N.O., Part Number 148K0230-1/TFigure F-29. Tube, Solenoid N. O. to Elbow, Part Number 149K0231-1/TFigure F-30. Tube, Isolator (Suction) To CPR Valve, Part Number 148K0232Figure F-32. Tube, DPR Valve To Street, Part Number 148K0234Figure F-34. Hose, Drain, Part Number 150K0165Figure F-36. Capillary Lines, Part Number 150K0206-3/3 & -5/3Figure F-38. Loom-1/2 I. D. Part Number 51206-13, -25, -30, and -36APPENDIX G MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS - TM-9-4110-255-140391APPENDIX G MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS - CONT - TM-9-4110-255-140392APPENDIX G MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS - CONT - TM-9-4110-255-140393TM-9-4110-255-14 Refrigeration Unit Mechanical 5K BTU Electric Model F5000RD (4110-01-389-9181) Manual