TM 9-4120-411-14
(13) Remove insulation from tubing as necessary.
remove compressor and reversing valve assembly (1).
(16) Remove four screws (24), lock washers (25), and flat washers (26). Discard lock washers.
The synthetic refrigerant oil used in the compressor is mildly caustic. Protect any
exposed skin from possible contact with refrigerant oil. If refrigerant oil contacts
skin, itching or rash-like irritation can result.
(17) Using two people, carefully lift e compressor and reversing valve assembly (1) out of the unit. If available, a
hoist or forklift and appropriate sling should be used to remove the assembly. A jibpole assembly (custom
compressor lifting hoist) can be secured to the unit frame and used to aid in removal of the compressor and
Items List.
The synthetic refrigerant oil used in the compressor is mildly caustic. Protect any
exposed skin from possible contact with refrigerant oil. If refrigerant oil contacts
skin, itching or rash-like irritation can result.
(1) Using two people, carefully place the compressor and reversing valve assembly (1) into the unit. A jibpole
assembly (custom compressor lifting hoist) can be secured to the unit frame and used to aid in installation of
Additional Authorized Items List.
(2) Align mounting holes then secure with four flat washers (26), new lock washers (25), and screws (24).
New compressor and reversing valve assembly fittings are protected with caps.
Do not remove these caps until ready to install.
(3) Remove protective caps and install compressor and reversing valve assembly (1) onto tubing ends. Purge
Change 1 5-38.1