TM 9-4910-387-14-1
a. LUBE HEAT Switch . The LUBE HEAT switch (1) turns the thermostatically controlled lube
heater on and off.
b. LUBE HEAT Ligh t. The LUBE HEAT light (2) indicates whether the lube heater is on or off.
c. 500-1000-OFF Count Switch. The 500-1000-OFF count switch (3) has three positions: 500,
1000, and OFF. With a fuel injector pump under test, this switch is used to select the number of
revolutions the shouldered shaft of the tester is running. The count starts when the START COUNT
button (4) is pushed and held in momentarily. The count stops when the shouldered shaft has turned
the selected number of revolutions, or when the 500-1000-OFF count switch (3) is turned to OFF.
d. START COUNT Button . The START COUNT button (4) activates the counter circuit.
e. COUNTING Light . The COUNTING light (5) lights up when the counting circuit is energized.
f. 24-VDC Switch.
The 24-VDC switch (6) applies voltage to the 24 VOLTS DC outlet
g. FUEL HEAT Light . The FUEL HEAT light (7) indicates whether the thermostatically
controlled fuel heater is on or off.
h. FUEL HEAT Switch . The FUEL HEAT switch (8) turns the fuel heater on and off.