TM 9-4910-387-14-1
(4) Weekly Service. This is a service to ensure the tester is
ready for operation especially after prolonged periods of inoperation.
a. Before you operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS
and WARNINGS. Perform your before (B) PMCS.
b. If anything looks wrong and you cannot correct it yourself, write it
b. While you operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS
on your DA Form 2404. The item number column of the PMCS table shall
be used as a source of item numbers for the TM Number Column on DA
and WARNINGS. Perform your during (D) PMCS.
Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, when
recording results of PMCS.
If you find something serious, notify
c. After you operate. Be sure to perform your after (A)
organizational maintenance immediately.
d. If your equipment fails to operate . Troubleshoot with proper
c. Before you begin to check specific items, remember that there
equipment. Report any deficiencies using the proper forms, see TM 38-
are some things to be checked that are common in all areas to be inspected
on the tester. Always keep the items listed below in mind as you make your
inspection and perform your PMCS.
(1) Loose Bolts. While a loose bolt is sometimes difficult to spot
a. The PMCS table (p 2-9) lists the required checks to be
without actually applying a wrench, you can often tell by loose or chipped
by personnel who operate the tester. The procedures are divided as follows:
paint around the bolthead and bare metal or rust at the base of the bolthead.
(1) Before operation service.
This is a brief service to
ensure the tester is ready for operation.
(2) Hoses and fluid lines . Check all hoses and fluid lines for signs
of wear, leaks, loose clamps, and loose fittings. A stain around a fitting is a
sign of a leak. The fitting should be either tightened, repaired, or replaced.
(2) During operation service. This service consists of
detecting unsatisfactory performance while operating the tester. The
operator should be alert for unusual noise, odors, or any other malfunctions
on any part of the tester.
(3) After operation service. This is a service designed to
correct, where possible, all operating deficiencies so the tester will be ready
to operate when required.