TM 9-4910-387-14-1
c. The following warnings, caution, and notes apply to
Check that all tubing and hoses are tagged when
each fuel injector pump.
removing. If needed, add tags to ensure correct
hookup at reassembly.
When in continuous operation, the fuel and lube oil
Use absorbent material (item 1, app C) to absorb
can reach temperatures which could cause serious
any lube oil or fuel that might spill on the floor.
burns. The tester does not have any facilities to
cool the fuel or lube oil systems. Use care when re-
LH and/or RH accumulator assemblies may need to
moving adapter kit parts.
be moved when installing and removing caps, hose
assemblies, and fuel delivery lines.
Ensure that the clamp bar is positioned underneath
and across the mounting rails and that the hand
When engaging the driven coupling with the drive
knob assembly is securely tightened. This is the
coupling, it may be necessary to turn the drive cou-
only way to secure a fuel injector pump to the
pling with a spanner wrench from the accessory kit.
mounting rails.
Check appropriate fuel injector pump manual for
proper pump rotation.
Plate of accumulator mounting assembly can not
be placed closer than 1.50 in. (3.81 cm) to the in-
Refer to the appropriate fuel injector pump manual
strument panel.
for instructions on how to perform the various ad-
justments and tests needed.
Each fuel injector pump may require a different
The operator is responsible for retaining the identifi-
temperature setting for the lube oil and fuel ther-
cation of all parts.
mostats. Refer to the respective TM covering each
fuel injector pump for this information. Furthermore
Once hoses, high pressure lines, and fuel injector
all tests for fuel delivery are covered in applicable
pumps have been disconnected, drain into tester
TM's for each pump.
drain pan.