shops, and the status of the materiel upon
3. Forms, Records, and Reports
completion of its repair.
a. General. R e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r t h e
proper execution of forms, records, and
b. Authorized Forms. The forms gen-
r e p o r t s rests upon the officers of all
erally applicable to the units operating or
units maintaining this equipment. How-
m a i n t a i n i n g this materiel are listed in
ever, the value of accurate records must
be fully appreciated by all persons re-
to DA Pam 310-2.
c. Equipment Improvement Recommen-
nance, and use. Records, reports, and au-
dations. Deficiencies d e t e c ted in the
thorized forms are normally utilized to
equipment or materiels should be reported
indicate the type, quantity, and condition
using the Equipment Improvement Recom-
of materiel to be inspected, to be repaired,
mendation section of DA Form 2407.
or to be used in repairs. Properly executed
d. Field Report of Accidents. The re-
forms convey authorization and serve as
ports necessary to comply with the re-
r e c o r d s for replacement of materiel in
quirements of the Army safety program
the hands of troops and for delivery of
are prescribed in detail in AR 385-40.
materiel requiring further repair to shops
These reports are required whenever ac-
in arsenals, depots, etc. The forms, rec-
cidents involving injury to personnel or
ords, and reports establish the work re-
damage to materiel occur.
quired, the progress of the work within
4. Description
plate (fig. 2) is located on the control
The distributor tester (fig. 1) is an elec-
panel above the stroboscope dial. The data
trically operated device for testing battery
plate indicates the manufacturers' name,
i g n i t i o n distributor removed from the
model number, serial number, and electri-
engine. It is used to determine whether
cal requirements.
a distributor meets specified tolerances
b. Motor Data Plate. The motor data
required for satisfactory operation when
plate (3, fig. 11) is located on the top of
installed on the engine. The distributor
the motor inside the tester. The data plate
under test is driven by a 115-volt electric
indicates the manufacturers name, model
motor which drives a variable speed device
number, s e r i a l n u m b e r , r a t e d speed,
consisting of a belt driven cone, movable
idler, and disk. Manifold vacuum is simu-
7. Tabulated Data
lated by the vacuum pump which is an
integral part of the variable speed device.
. Sun Electric Corporation
Manufacturer . . . . .
. PDT-5
Model number. . . . .
A stroboscope is provided for accurately
. 0-2500 rpm
Speed range . . . . .
checking cam angle, spark advance (vac-
. Manual
Speed control . . . . .
uum and mechanical), and cam lobe ac-
Drive motor
curacy of both single and dual breaker
. . . Marathon Electric Manu-
Manufacturer . . . . .
point distributors having either clockwise
facturing Corp.
or counterclockwise rotation. A tachom-
Current requirement . . . 115-volt 60-cycle
eter is provided to register revolutions
p e r minute of the distributor shaft. A
Rated speed . . . . . . . . 1725 rpm
removable cover protects the controls and
Vacuum Pump
instruments of the tester.
0-21 in. mercury
Vacuum rating . . . . . . .
5. Cautions and Identifying Markings
All cautions and identifying markings
. 193 lbs
Oversea pack . . . . . .
are printed directly on the panel or on
Unpacked . . . . . . . . .
. 130 Ibs
Cube. . . . . . . . . . . .
. 6.4
dial faces, and are self-explanatory.
. 22 in.
Width . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 19 in.
6. Data Plates
Height . . . . . . . . . . .
. 20 in.
a. Tester Data Plate. The tester data
Depth (front to rear) . .