erally applicable to the units operating or
maintaining this materiel are listed in ap-
Records, reports, and authorized forms
are normally utilized to indicate the type,
to DA Pam 310-2.
quantity, and condition of materiel to be
c. Equipment Improvement
inspected, to be repaired, or to be used in
Deficiencies detected in the
repairs. Properly executed forms convey
equipment or materiel should be reported
authorization and serve as records for re-
using the Equipment Improvement Recom-
placement of m a t e r i e 1 in the hands of
mendation section of DA Form 2407.
troops and for delivery of materiel re-
Report of Accidents. The re-
quiring further repair to shops in arsenals,
ports necessary to comply with the re-
depots, etc. The forms, records, and re-
quirements of the Army safety program
ports establish the work required, the
are prescribed in detail in AR 385-40.
progress of the work within shops, and the
These reports are required whenever ac-
status of the materiel upon completion of
cidents involving injury to personnel or
its repair.
damage to materiel occur.
b. Authorized Forms. The forms gen-
The distributor tester
is an
ignition distributors removed from the
engine. It is used to determine whether a
distributor meets specified tolerances
for satisfactory operation when in-
stalled on the engine. The distributor under
test is driven by a variable speed device
consisting of a cone, movable idler, and
disk. Manifold vacuum is simulated by an
electrically driven vacuum pump. A stro-
boscope is provided for accurately check-
ing cam angle, spark advance (vacuum and
mechanical) and cam lobe accuracy of both
single and dual breaker point distributors
having either clockwise or counterclock-
register revolutions per minute of the dis-
tributor shaft. A hinged cover protects the
controls and instruments of the tester. The
tester is primarily designed for testing the
following distributors: