"INCHES MERCURY" on the dial face) is
21. Direction Control Switch
located below and to the left of the vacuum
The direction control switch (15) (identi-
hose (9). This gage shows the vacuum ap-
fied as "DIRECTION CONTROL") is lo-
plied to the distributor diaphragm and is
cated on the lower part of the instrument
calibrated in inches of mercury. The scale
panel to the left of center. This is a three
is arranged so that the gage indicates from
position toggle switch. The toggle is pushed
0 to 10 inches of mercury on the first revo-
to the left for left hand rotation, to center
lution of the pointer and from 10 to 24
for off, and to the right for right hand ro-
inches of mercury on the second revolu-
tation. A caution against reversing the ro-
tion. The first revolution is read on the
tation without stopping the motor is printed
outer scale and the second revolution is
directly above the switch.
read on the inner scale. An adjusting knob
is provided for alining the zero on the dial
with the pointer before starting the vacuum
The speed control (14) is located on the
lower part of the instrument panel to the
right of center. The control is turned
clockwise to decrease the speed of the
The vacuum pump switch (12) (identified
distributor shaft, and counterclockwise to
as "OFF-ON") is the two position toggle
increase the speed. A warning against
switch located directly below the vacuum
turning the control without the motor
gage (10).
running is printed directly above the con-
The vacuum pump control (13) is located
directly below the vacuum pump switch
(12). The control is turned clockwise to
increase the vacuum applied to the dis-
The vacuum hose (9) is located on the
tributor diaphragm and counterclockwise
right side of the instrument panel directly
to decrease the vacuum.
below the coil No. 2 lead (8).
The vacuum gage (10) (identified as
Section Ill. OPERATION
the rubber drive coupling (7) on the stro-
boscope drive shaft. Place the universal
This section contains instructions for
distributor clamp (2) on the drive column
the operation of the distributor tester
and lower it so that the clamp jaws can
under all conditions of temperature and
engage the rubber drive coupling. Tighten
humidity. Every organization equipped
the clamp locking knob (6) just enough to
with this item must thoroughly train its
engage the rubber drive coupling without
personnel in the procedues for operating
distorting it. Grasp the drive column and
this item.
rotate it slightly in both directions and
then half way back. This will center the
28. Preparation for Operation
clamp in relation to the drive column.
Tighten the height adjustment knob (3) and
secure the drive column in the stroboscope
base casting with the two hexagon socket
a. Install the drive column (4) in the
setscrews (9).
stroboscope base casting (1) making sure
b. Slip the holder rod of the work lamp
it reaches the bottom of the hole. Place