(foot-pounds) connected to the rotor of
the starter (cranking motor). A means
in position on the test stand and se-
c u r e loosely.
(Scale support is
is provided by use of a scale to record
t i g h t e n e d securely after scale and
the torque (lock rotor) in foot-pounds.
torque arm are alined, (d) b e l o w . )
T h e current (ampere) draw is also
Hooks the scale on the scale support
registered on the load dc ammeter (1)
u n d e r these conditions. The starter
(d) Position the jaws of
the torque arm
( c r a n k i n g motor) rotor is set into
a c t i o n when a given testing voltage
i s applied to the starter in the same
s t a r t e r (cranking motor) and hook
m a n n e r as specified in the no load
t h e free end of the starter torque
(free running) test, a a b o v e .
6 1 ) .
Adjust the scale support out-
Note. The stall torque (measuring stall
ward or inward until the torque arm
c u r r e n t and torque) test procedures in (2)
and (3) below are for a Delco Products
and scale are alined, then tighten the
(Delco-Remy) starter (cranking motor)
scale support securely, c above.
m o d e l DR 1108575. W h e n t e s t i n g o t h e r
Caution: When installing the
manufacturers and models starters (crank-
i n g motors) these instructions can be used
jaws of the torque arm are placed
as a guide. Refer to table 9, technical man-
over and in the teeth of the pinion
literature for test data when performing
gear of the starter (cranking mo-
t e s t s on other starters (cranking motors).
tor) correctly to allow the gear to
(2) P r e p a r a t i o n .
throw the arm downward, also,
a l w a y s tighten the screw on the
(a) C o n n e c t t h e s t a r t e r
torque arm jaws to secure them in
m o t o r ) and prepare the test stand
p l a c e . Proper installation of the
above, except
as prescribed in
t o r q u e arm is important because
for the instructions in
starter rotation varies according to
a b o v e change as follows: Connect
manufacture and model and is
t h e regulator B+ binding post of
e i t h e r clockwise or counterclock-
t h e test stand to the starter stall
torque binding post of the test stand
u s i n g a cable harness 38408 (fig.
(3) T e s t i n g .
(a) T h e position of switches and con-
trols pertinent to the tests in para-
g r a p h s (b) t h r o u g h (i) b e l o w a r e
connections above and procedures pre-
scribed below.
listed in table 8 above. Place each
of these items in the positions in-
Caution: When connecting start-
of the table
d i c a t e d in columns
e r s (cranking motors) having a
before tests are started.
capacity above 200 amperes use two
(b) P l a c e
the load dc
ammeter starter
(2) cable harnesses 38405 between
test selector switch (fig. 61) in the
the starter input binding post of
stall torque (X20) position.
the test stand and the (+) terminal
(c) Place the battery on-off switch (22)
stud of the starter (cranking mo-
in the "ON" position and slide the
safety clip (25-B) off the stop but-
(b) Place a
fabricated wood wedge (fig.
ton (25-C) but do not push the
2 7 ) between the base of the test
s t a n d and the lever of the switch
close the circuit to the switches and
a s s e m b l y of the starter (cranking
controls of the test stand.
m o t o r ) to hold the pinion gear of
Note. The varidrive assembly need not
t h e starter (cranking motor) in an
b e operating for the test, therefore, the
exposed position (fig. 61).
s t a r t button (25-A) is not depressed.