T o clean, to preserve, to
1. General
charge, and to add fuel,
The maintenance allocation chart allocates
maintenance operations to the proper category
and air.
o f maintenance. Allocations of maintenance
To rectify to the extent
operations is made on the basis of time, tools,
n e c e s s a r y to bring into
a n d skills normally available to the various
proper operating range.
categories of maintenance in combat situation
and influenced by maintenance policy and sound
To adjust specified variable
maintenance practices, as outlined in AR 750-5.
e l e m e n t s of an item to
b r i n g to optimum per-
2. Explanation of Format
Purpose and use of the maintenance alloca-
T o determine the correc-
tion chart format are as follows:
t i o n s to be made in the
a. Column 1, Group Number. Column 1 lists
r e a d i n g s of instruments
group numbers, the purpose of which is to
o r test equipment used
identify components, assemblies, subassemblies
i n precise measurement.
and modules with the next higher assembly.
Consists of the compari-
s o n of two instruments,
b. Column 2, Functional Group. Column 2
one of which is a certified
lists the noun names of components, assemblies,
s t a n d a r d of known ac-
s u b a s s e m b l i e s and modules on which mainte-
curacy, to detect and
nance is authorized.
a d j u s t any discrepancy
c. Column 3, Maintenance Functions. Column
i n the accuracy of the
3 lists the category of maintenance.
instrument being com-
d. Column 4, Tools and Equipment. T h i s
p a r e d with the certified
column will be used to specify, by code, those
t o o l s and test equipment required to perform
To set up for use in an
t h e designated function.
o p e r a t i o n a l environment
e. Column 5, Remarks. Self explanatory.
such as an emplacement,
site, or vehicle.
3. Maintenance Functions
T o r e p l a c e unserviceable
Maintenance functions will be limited to and
items with serviceable as-
defined as follows:
semblies, subassemblies,
To determine serviceability
or parts.
of an item by comparing
i t s physical, mechanical,
To restore an item to serv-
i c e a b l e condition. This
a n d electrical character-
includes, but is not lim-
istics with established
ited to, inspection, clean-
i n g , preserving, adjust-
To verify serviceability and
i n g , replacing, welding,
to detect electrical or me-
r i v e t i n g and strengthen-
chanical failure by use of
test equipment.