TM 9-4910-663-12
volts or dc millivolts are measured by this meter, which has a scale
of 900-0-900 millivolts dc. This meter is used with external resis-
tors and potentiometers (on the printed circuit card), which are used
to calibrate the meter. Common terminals are provided for the 900
millivolt and 9 volt circuits. The meter is used to measure the
voltage difference between generator or regulator G+ and regulator B+
binding posts (fig 2-3), and to check the voltage drop across relay
(7) DC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE Binding Posts (fig 2-1). These
binding posts, which parallel the associated meter circuit, are for
(8) DC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE Meter (M2, fig 2-1). This meter
has a scale of 0-10 volts dc and has common binding posts for the
ranges of 10, 20, and 50 volts dc. External multiplier resistors are
provided on the printed circuit board for the different ranges.
(9) TACHOMETER RPM Binding Posts (fig 2-1). These binding
posts, which are connected directly to the terminals of the associated
meter, are for test calibration only.
(10) TACHOMETER RPM Meter (M1, fig 2-1). The TACHOMETER RPM
meter is a two scale meter that is used to indicate the drive speed of
the unit undergoing test. The indications on the two scales, which
are marked 0 to 5.1 and 0 to 12, must be multiplied by 1000 to obtain
the correct rpm indications. The scale to be read is determined by
the output shafts on which the unit undergoing test is mounted.
(11) AC AMMETER OUTPUT CURRENT Jack (fig 2-1). This jack, which
is connected in series with the corresponding meter, is for test and
(12) AC AMMETER OUTPUT CURRENT Meter (M5, fig 2-1). This meter
is an ac meter with a range of 0-100 amperes. It is used with three
tapped current transformers to measure output currents of alternators
undergoing test. Taps on the current transformers provide two ranges
of 0 to 100 amperes and 0 to 500 amperes.
(13) AC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE Binding Posts (fig 2-1). These
binding posts, which are connected directly to the terminals of the
associated meter, are for test and calibration only.
(14) AC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE Meter (M6, fig 2-1). This is
an ac voltmeter with a scale of 0 to 25 volts ac. It is used with
multiplier resistors to measure ac voltages in ranges of 0 to 25 volts
and 0 to 50 volts ac.