TM 9-4910-663-12
(g) CB4 controls application of ac power to the blower motor
(4, fig 4-4), and provides protection to the the blower motor.
(h) CB8 controls application of dc voltage to batteries under-
going charge, and provides protection for the dc circuits of the
battery charge section of the test stand.
(i) CB11 limits maximum current from the generator under test
to the battery of reverse battery current to 50 amperes.
(7) LOAD SELECTION Switches (S17 thru S24, fig 2-2). These
switches are used to select loads to be applied to the unit undergoing
test. These switches are effective only if MASTER LOAD DISCONNECT
(8) MASTER LOAD DISCONNECT Switch (S8, fig 2-2). This switch,
when set to OFF, disconnects all loads from the unit undergoing test;
when set to ON, applies loads preset by LOAD SELECTION switches to
unit undergoing test.
(9) VARIABLE LOAD Control (R32, fig 2-2). This control is used
for fine load adjustment between the step values available through use
of the LOAD SELECTION switches. (LOAD SELECTION switch (S24) must be
set to ON for this control to operate.)
(10) DC VARIABLE VOLTS Switch (S10, fig 2-2). This switch
controls application of the dc variable volts output of the test
stand to the unit under test and to the DC VARIABLE VOLTS OUTPUT
(11) DC VARIABLE VOLTS OUTPUT Binding Posts (fig 2-2). The
output voltage of the test stand dc variable volts supply is available
at these binding posts for measurement or application to an external
(12) EXTERNAL DC VOLTAGE INPUT Binding Posts (fig 2-2). When DC
VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE SELECT switch (S11, fig 2-1) is set to EXT,
the corresponding meter can be used to measure dc voltages at points
external to the test stand. These binding posts provide means for
connecting the meter circuit to the external source whose dc voltage
is to be measured.
(13) RELAY CONTACTS INPUT Binding Posts (fig 2-2). These bind-
ing posts provide means for connecting external relay contact circuits
to the test stand for testing.
(14) CONTACT CLOSURE Indicator Light (DS7, fig 2-2). This indi-
cator is used when checking relay contacts to indicate opening and
closing of the contacts.