TM 11-5820-489-10
TO 31R4-2GRA6-31
Since the circuits between each of the two Control Group operators
and the radio set are of the push-to-talk type, TIMING of the entry of
the break-in operation into the conversation is IMPORTANT
Improper timing could result in unneeded interruptions or break-ins.
Break-in by Remote Control operator
on Local Control operations when local
operator is talking over radio set with
distant radio operator is possible when:
1. REMOTE switch of Local Control is in
the TEL ONLY position. Then Remote
operator sends 20 cycle ringing signal.
If Remote switch is in any position other than TEL ONLY, call for
emergency only.
2. REMOTE switch of Local Control is in
SET 1 and SET 2 position. Then Remote
operator turns SELECTOR to either
write-in position to contact SET 1 or
SET 2. Click the push-to-talk switch
to signal Local Control Unit.
Busy Circuit is shown when Remote
operator hears local operator's con-