that secure the heater to the mount-
(2) Press in and twist the starter one-
ing base.
quarter turn counterclockwise and
(4) Remove the mounting base knob.
withdraw it.
(5) Slide the. heater to the right until it
(3) Remove the spare starter from its
clears the flange on the mounting
storage bracket (fig. 16). Insert the
base and lift out the heater.
new starter, press in, and turn it
b. Replacement.
clockwise until it seats.
(1) Slide the heater onto the mounting
(4) Replace the lamp and light shield
base so that it engages the flanges.
(a(4) through (6) above).
(2) Tighten the four turnlock fasteners.
c. Neon and Incandescent Lamps. `To re-
(3) Replace and tighten the mounting
move a defective neon or incandescent
base knob.
lamp, unscrew it from its socket.
36. Removal and Replacement of
Blower Cover
35. Removal and Replacement of
a. Operate the BLOWER switch to OFF
b. Remove the power cord connector
a. Removal.
plug from its receptacle.
(1) Operate the HEATER-OFF-FAN
c. Remove the 10 screws that secure the
switch to OFF.
cover to the front wall and lift off the cover.
(2) Remove the power cord connector
d. Replace the cover by following the
plug from the HEATER receptacle
procedures in a through c above in the
reversed order.
(3) Loosen the four turnlock fasteners