f. Replace the cover on the power duct.
(4) At the power and signal entrance
g. Replace the fluorescent lamp and light
panel, remove the 26-pair cable
receptacle cover.
47. Removal and Replacement of Drafting
from the front of the 26-pair cable
receptacle housing.
(6) Tag and unsolder the wires from
the receptacle insert.
Warning: Operate the LIGHTS circuit
b. Replacement.
breaker switch to OFF and use the hand
(1) Connect the cable wires to the re-
lantern or droplight during replacement
placement receptacle insert (fig.
or repair of the drafting light.
a. Operate the
drafting light
switch (fig.
Caution: Be extremely careful
when connecting and s o l d e r i n g
b. Remove the incandescent lamp from
wires. Excessive heat or pressure
the drafting light.
will damage the insert.
c. Remove the screws that secure the
(2) Carefully place the insert in the
lamp socket in the drafting light assembly;
tag and disconnect the socket wiring.
26-pair cable receptacle housing
d. Tag and disconnect the wiring to the
drafting light switch, and remove the
Caution: Be careful not to damage
the wires when replacing screws
e. Remove the screws that secure the
or when taking up slack in the 26-
drafting light assembly to the power duct.
pair cable.
f. Replace the drafting light by re-
(3) Replace the insert clip and tighten
versing the procedures given in a through
the mounting screws (a (2) above).
e above.
(4) Fasten the cable clip (a(3) above),
48. Removal and Replacement of 26-Pair
(5) Replace the power and signal en-
Cable Receptacle
trance panel cover and the 26-pair
a. Removal.
cable receptacle cover.
Remove the screws that fasten the
cover to the power and signal
a. The maintenance or repair of the S-
the cover.
183/MSC-3l racks, frames, brackets, and
(2) Remove the mounting screws that
assorted hardware is accomplished by re-
moving and replacing screws or bolts.
34) .
When any exterior component of the shel-
(3) Unfasten the cable clip nearest the
ter is replaced, be sure that the gasket is
26-pair cable receptacle mounting.