TM 11-5895-463-15
Note. For unpacking. and checking the major
2-1. Unpacking and Checking
components, refer to the applicable technical manual
a. Packaging Data. The AN/MSC31A (fig.
2-1) is packed in a reusable wooden crate. The
shelter, which houses the eguipment, is an-
chored to eyebolts in the skid base of the crate.
The location of the AN/MSC-31A will depend
The skid base has entries for handling with a
on the tactical situation, standard operating
forklift. The dimensions of the crate are 155
procedure (SOP), and the location and ar-
by 93 by 94 inches. The volume is 874 cubic
rangement of other equipment in the area com-
feet, and the weight of the crated AN/MSC-
munications network. T he AN/MSC31A may
31A is approximately 3,600 pounds.
be either mobile (mounted on an M35 truck)
or at a fixed ground location. It can be powered
b. Removal of contents.
by a mobile power source or can use commer-
Caution: Do not thrust any tools into the
cial or military powerlines. Consideration
interior of any pack or package.
should be given to available power sources and
(1) Unfasten the lag bolts with wrenches
telephone trunkline terminations.
and remove the top, front, rear, and side panels
a. Ground Installation. Position the AN/
MSC-31A in such manner as to make both
(2) Detach the tiedowms from the eye-
power and telephone connections as convenient
bolts in the base of the crate turnbuckles.
as possible. Orientation of the AN/MSC31A
(3) Remove the wooden blocking from the
should take into consideration access to the
sides and ends of the shelter.
shelter ent].ante and general topographic fea-
Caution: Be careful when handling
tures of the the terrain. Such factors as drainage
tools, because the aluminum skin of the
and accessibility to the shelter by prime movers
shelter can be easily damaged.
and loading equipment should also be consid-
(4) Remove the shelter from the crate
ered in the placement of the shelter:
base. Use an overhead lifting device whenever
b. Truck Installation.
available; if it is not available, remove the
Note. Remove personnel carriers from the truck bed
headers from the crate base, lift the shelter
before installing the AN/MSC-31A on the truck.
from either side with a forklift, or drag it from
(1) Use the sling hooks (nearest turn-
the base by the towing eyes.
buckle) to connect the sling assemblies to the
Warning: The overhead lifting device
lifting and tiedown eyes of the shelter (fig.
or other lifting equipment should be capable
2-2). Connect the sling hooks, at the opposite
of lifting or handling 3,600 pounds.
ends of the cables, to the lifting ring, and place
(5) Send the crate to a local storage area
the lifting ring over the lifting hook of the lift-
for reuse.
ing device.
c. Checking AN/MSC-31A Contents. Check
Warning: TO avoid injury to personnel,
the contents of the AN/MSC31A against the
or damage to equipment, only personnel en-
packing list. If the packing list is not available,
gaged in the actual loading operation should
be permitted near the truck, lifting device,