TM 11-5895-463-15
B-1 Scope
stock number assigned to the item and will be used
This appendix lists basic issue items and items
for requisitioning purposes.
troop installed or authorized required by the
c. Part Number. Indicates the primary number
crew/operator for installation, operation, and
used by the manufacturer (indicidual, company,
maintenance of Communication Operation Center
firm, corporation, or Government activity), which
controls the design and characteristics of the item
by means of its engineering drawings, specifica-
B-2 General
tions standards, and inspection requirements, to
This Basic Issue Items and Items Troop Installed
identify an item or range of items
or Authorized List is divided into the following
d. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer
(FSCM). The FSCM is a 5-digit numeric code used
a Basic Issue Items List-Section II. A list, in
to identify the manufacturer, distributor, or
alphabetical sequence, of items which are fur-
Government agency, etc., and is identified in SB
nished with, and which must be turned in with the
e. Description. Indicates the Federal item name
end item.
b. Items Troop Installed or Authorezed List-
and a minimum description required to identify
-Section III. A list, in alphabetical sequence of
the item.
items which, at the discretion of the unit comman-
f. Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the standard
der, may accompany the end item, but are not
of basic quantity of the listed item as, used in
subject to be turned in with the end item.
performing the actual maintenance function. This
measure is expressed by a two-character al-
phabetical abbreviation, (eg., ea, in., pr, etc).
B-3. Explanation of Columns
When the unit of measure differs from the unit of
The following provides an explanation of columns
issue, the lowest unit of issue that will satisfy the
found in the tabular listings:
required units of measure will be requisitioned.
a. Illustration. This column is divided as follows
g. Quantity Furnished with Equipment (Basic
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure
Issue Items Only). Indicates the quantity of the
number of the illustration in which the item is
basic issue item furnished with the equipment
h. Quantity Authorized (Items Troop Installed or
(2) Item number. Not applicable.
Authorized Only). Indicates the quantity of the
b. Federal Stock Number. Indicates the Federal
item authorized to be used with the equipment.