TM 3-1040-262-13&P
CTA 50-970
Expendable Items (except: Medical, Class V, Repair Parts, and Heraldic Items)
FM 3-9
Military Chemistry and Chemical Compounds
FM 5-25
FM 19-15
Civil Disturbances
SC 1040-95-CL-A01
Sets, Kits, and Outfits Components List, Service Kit, Portable Riot Control Agent Disperser,
SF 364
Report of Discrepancy
TM 3-220
TM 3-250
Storage, Shipment, Handling, and Disposal of Chemical Agents and Hazardous Chemicals
TM 3-1040-251-15
Operator, Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual, Test Set, Flame
Thrower-Riot Control Agent Disperser, Hydrostatic and Volumetric, 6,000 psi, M5
TM 3-4310-100-10
Operator's Manual; Compressor Unit, Reciprocating, Power-Driven, Flame Thrower, 3V2
CFM, AN-M4, AN-M4B, AN-M4C, and AN-M4D
TM 5-4310-273-15
Operator's, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Man-
ual: Compressor, Reciprocating, Power Driven, Air, Wheel Mounted, 2-wheel, Pneumatic
Tires w/Towbar and Lunette Eye Gasoline Engine: 4 CFM, 3000 PSI (Walter Kidde and
Co., Inc. Model 892960) FSN 4310-728-2030
TM 5-4310-226-15
Operator's Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Man-
ual: Compressor, Reciprocating, Power-Driven, Air; Wheel Mounted; Gasoline Engine
Driven, 4 CFM, 3,000 PSI, FSN 4310-690-0060
TM 5-4310-275-14
Operator, Organizational, Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual: Compressor,
Reciprocating, GED, 2 Wheel MTD, W/Towbar, 4 CFM, 3,000 Psi
Operator, Organizational, Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual: Compressor,
Reciprocating, Air 2 Wheel MTD, W/Towbar, Lunette Eye, 4 CFM, 3,000 Psi
TM 5-4310-275-25P
Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Com-
pressor, Reciprocating GED, Wheel MTD, Pneumatic Tires, W/Towbar, Lunette Eye, 4
CFM, 3,000 Psi, FSN 4310-878-7969
TM 8-285
Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualities and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries
TM 9-1375-213-12
Demolition Materials
TM 38-750
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)
TM 43-0002-31
Destruction of Chemical Weapons and Defense Equipment To Prevent Enemy Use
TM 43-0139
Painting Instructions for Field Use
TB 43-180
Calibration Requirements for the Maintenance of Army Materiel
TM 740-90-1
Administrative Storage of Equipment
Change 1 A-1 (A-2 blank)