TM 55-1930-208-10
b. Use the following procedure for loading individual or paired tanks.
o load tanks individually. It is recommended that the tank valve be adjusted to the dockside flow rate.
he following procedures also apply to filling tanks in groups to less than a full load.
(1) Open tank filling valve of single tank to be loaded.
(2) Close remainder of tank valves.
(3) Proceed as in loading a full cargo.
(4) At completion of loading, blow compressed air from shore facility through main filling valve.
(5) Secure individual tank and valve.
The following procedural steps are to be taken after the vessel has received its cargo:
a. Disconnect cargo hose and bolt flange on filling connection.
b. Disconnect shore filling connection.
c. Disconnect grounding cable.
d. Empty drip pan into a suitable container on shore.
e. Wipe up spilled liquids.
f. Sound all cargo tanks and record the readings in the presence of the terminal representative.
g. Take and record forward and aft draft readings with as much accuracy as possible.
h. Dog down all ullage caps.
i. Inspect rake compartments for evidence of cargo leaks.
j. Do not remove red flag or red lantern. Display red flag at all times during the day or the red lantern at night.
k. Secure machinery house doors, ports, and hatches. Stow all loose gears.
l. The vessel is now ready to receive a tug.