TM 9-1345-203-12
Dual priming.
Stretch tripwire across a trail or other avenue of
approach, and securely attach firing device to
two firmly emplaced stakes at a distance of
1 Follow the instructions in (a)1 through 5
approximately 20 meters forward of mine (fig. 2-
12, view B).
2 Make a ring main in accordance with instruc-
(3) For detonation cord procedure:
tions contained in FM 5-250.
3 When emplaced one behind the other, the fore-
most mine (nearest enemy) must be fired first.
These components are not provided with the
M18A1 and are requisitioned separately.
f. Simultaneous Firing of More than One Mine.
Dual firing.
1 Obtain two 10-meter (33 ft) lengths of detonat-
Mines may be set up for dual firing and/or dual
ing cord, four non-electric blasting caps M7,
priming, using standard demolition procedures
and two pull-type firing devices.
in FM 5-250.
2 Remove both shipping plug priming adapters
A system for firing simultaneously various numbers of
from mine. Push one end of each piece of det-
mines M18A1 can be set up using materials described below
onating cord through holes in the adapters.
and standard demolitions procedures in FM 5-250.
(1) Electrical firing.
Push cord through holes far enough to allow
Materials required.
blasting caps to be crimped to the cords ends.
1 Cap, blasting: special, electric, M6.
3 Crimp end of each piece of detonating cord to a
blasting cap M7, using cap crimper M2. Pull
2 Blasting machine: M32, 10-cap capacity (or
excess of detonating cord through holes in
blasting machine: 50-cap capacity).
adapters so that blasting caps seat against the
bottom of the adapters.
3 Wire, No. 18 AWG, two-conductor, plastic-
covered or rubber-covered type.
4 Screw shipping plug priming adapters into det-
onator wells. Unwind detonating cord while
4 Wire, No. 20 AG, single conductor.
moving back to safe firing distance.
5 Reel unit RL39A.
5 Emplace mine and detonating cord as
instructed in e(1)(a) to (h) above, and as shown
Procedure. When using 10-cap (or 50-cap)
capacity blasting machine M32, connect up to 10
(or 50) blasting caps in series, using a maximum
6 Attach a pull-type firing device (refer to FM 5-
of 500 feet of two-conductor, insulated No. 18
250) to free end of each piece of detonating
copper firing cable. Blasting caps M6 will be
cord, and attach a pull-wire or tripwire as
connected to mines M18A1 using shipping plug
instructed in e(1) or (2) above.
priming adapter. Standard demolition proce-
dures in FM 5-250 will be used in making all
electrical connections.
Change 4