TM 9-1345-203-12
h. Preparation of Long Term Emplacement.
4 Reverse shipping plug priming adapter and
screw it in detonator well, plug end down.
(1) Preparation of the mine M18A1 for long term
5 Remove mine from its emplacement position
emplacement shall follow the same procedure out-
and repack. Store accessory items in original
lined in the manual except that a heavy coating of
or appropriate containers.
silicone grease shall be applied to the blasting cap
just before it is inserted into the detonator well.
(2) Destruction. Any mine considered a dud or other-
wise in an unsafe condition should not be handled
(2) Emplacement life of mine M18A1, calculated to
or jarred, but should be destroyed as instructed in
70% effectivity, is 240 months for all environ-
AR 385-64 and DA Pam 385-64.
Change 4