TM 9-1375-213-12
medium velocity and cylindrical shape, it is not
efficient as a cutting or breaching charge.
as medium velocity blasting explosive to replace 60-
percent commercial dynamites in military con-
struction, quarrying, ditching, and service
demolition work. It is suitable for underwater
c. Advantages. Military dynamite M1 will not
freeze in cold storage, nor exude in hot storage. The
Shipping containers do not require turning in
storage. Safety in transportation, storage, and
handling is better than that of (60-percent com-
mercial dynamite, It may be used in combat areas.
d. Limitations. It is reliable underwater only up
to 24 hours. Because of its low sensitivity, sticks of
military dynamite M1 must be well compacted to
assure complete detonation of the entire charge, e.g.,
there must be no voids in loading of boreholes in
quarrying. This characteristic, combined with the
fact that military dynamite will eventually detonate
if set afire in a confined space, can result in a
secondary explosion from a bore-hole with a void in
its loading. It may take up to 15 minutes for such an
explosion to occur after the first blast. Because of its