TM 9-1375-213-12
d. Destructor, Explosive.
This bushing is threaded to receive mine activator
M1 or M2.
(1) Destructor, explosive, universal, M10
(d) Booster assembly. This assembly con-
a tubular sheet steel roll threaded assembly con-
sists of two identical externally and internally
sisting of:
threaded booster cups screwed together. The cup
to which the activator bushing is attached con-
(a) Closing plug and cork gasket. The plas-
tains three cylindrical tetryl pellets with central
tic closing plug and cork gasket are used to keep
holes which allow for the insertion, without inter-
the destructor sealed during shipment, storage,
ference, of either a blasting cap or an activator.
and handling preparatory to use.
The other cup contains cylindrical tetryl pellets
(b) Blasting cap bushing. The bushing is
(without central holes) and a felt pad.
threaded to receive a priming adapter or any
issue firing device.
(c) Activator bushing with felt washer.
hexagonal-edged steel collar with two different