TM 9-1375-213-12
Inspect M2 Crimper jaws for elongated, oval or
This section contains operating procedures for the
egg-shaped opening, when they're closed.
two types of firing systems in use (electric and
Inspect crimping jaws and cutting jaws for dull
nonelectric) and methods for priming charges.
or jagged edges. If jaws of blasting cap crimper
Also included are operating procedures for
form an elongated, oval or egg-shaped opening
when closed, a misfire can occur by squeezing
and firing devices which may be used for special
the cap too tightly around the fuse; likewise, if
applications in the field.
the jaws have dull or jagged cutting edge.
2-2. Nonelectric Firing
Assemble a nonelectric system as instructed in
A nonelectric system (fig. 2-1) is one in which an
a through 1 below.
explosive charge is prepared for detonation by
means of a nonelectric blasting cap. The basic
materials consist of a nonelectric blasting cap,
which provides the shock adequate to detonate the
A rough jadded cut fuse inserted into a blasting
explosive, the time blasting fuse, which transmits
cap can cause a misfire. If the rough cut is due
the flame that fires the blasting cap, and a means
to an unserviceable crimper M2, requisition a
of igniting the time fuse. If more than one charge
serviceable crimper. If a serviceable crimper is
must be detonated simultaneously, the nonelectric
not available, use a sharp knife to cut the fuse.
system must be combined with detonating cord
To assure that the fuse is cut square when using
the knife, cut fuse against a solid surface such
as wood.
a. Using crimper M2, cut and discard a 6-inch
length from free end of time blasting fuse to
A nonelectric priming system will normally be
prevent a misfire caused by exposed powder
assembled in the field at the demolition site.
absorbing moisture from the air (A, fig. 2-2)
Under some circumstances, if desired, some
subassembling may be done in advance in order to
b. Cut off a three-foot length of time blasting
save time or to avoid exposing components to rain.
fuse to check burning rate.
etc. When it is desired to have the assemblies
prepared more than a few hours in advance, use
c. Ignite fuse with a fuse igniter (see para ((1),
blasting cap sealant to waterproof the fusecap
(2) and (3) below), if available, or cut a slit near
joint. This sealant will protect the fusecap joint for
one end of fuse, insert a match head into split,
an indefinite period of time. The assembly will be
transportation (e.g., keep separate from other
fuse igniter M60, it may be assembled to the
blasting fuse and cap prior to insertion into the cap
well of the explosive, I F the safety pin is still
Inspect M2 crimpers to ensure the stop is at least
1/16-inch high. Inspect the nut on M-2 crimper to
ensure it is well staked to bolt to prevent removal
of nut thus loosening the jaws. If the nut is not
staked in the bolt that holds the crimper together,
the crimper can come apart while being used. Too
short a bolt can cause the same thing to happen.
Turn in defective crimpers for replacement or
tighten nut and restake it using a hammer and
chisel, to assure it cannot come loose
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