TM 9-1375-213-12
before use, it would be advisable to use
n. Deleted.
blasting cap sealant to waterproof the fuse-
cap joint. If the joint is so protected, it could
o. Attach time blasting fuse igniter as follows:
be kept indefinitely before use.
(1) Weatherproof time blasting fuse igniter
(e) Deleted.
(a) Unscrew fuse holder cap of
fuse igniter
(f) Deleted.
(b) Press shipping plug into igniter to
(2) Weatherproof time blasting fuse igniter M2
it, and rotate plug to remove it from igniter.
(c) Insert free end of time fuse as far as possi-
(a) Insert free end of time blasting fuse into
ble into cavity created by removal of shipping plug.
igniter (fig. 1-35) as far as it will go. It is held in place
(d) Tighten cap hand-tight to hold fuse in
by apronged fuse retainer.
place to weatherproof joint.
(b) Deleted.
(3) Friction time blasting fuse igniter M1 (para
The double action required to fire an M60
(a) Insert free end of time blasting fuse into
allows it to be safely attached to a capped fuse
igniter (fig. 1-34) as far as it will go. It is held in place
prior to priming of a charge. the assembly
should be treated as a blasting cap for storage
by a pronged fuse retainer.
and transportation (e. g., kept separate from
(b) Carefully place priming adapter over
blasting cap until it stops, insert into cap well of
M700 Fuse does not produce a really water-
explosive, and screw adapter into place. If no priming
adapter is available, insert blasting cap into cap well
tight seal, the assembly could be affected by
and tie it in place with a string or fasten it with tape or
exposure to mosture or even high humidity
similar availabel material. (Refer to para 2-17 for
for several hours. If it is desired to have the
nonelectric priming of block demolition charges.)
assemblies prepared more than a few hours
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