TM 9-1375-213-12
cap (or attach to mine activator).
(d) Screw coupling base into firing
(e) Screw firing device thus
assembled into mine or charge.
(f) Provide a level surface at base of
hole in which mine or charge (with firing device
assembled) is to be planted. A board may be
used for this purpose.
(g) Place assembled mine (or charge)
and firing device in hole, with latch on firing
device uppermost.
Weight placed on latch must be greater
than three pounds to prevent firing
device from functioning when safety
Figure 2-36. Assembling pull-release-type firing mechanism to
devices are withdrawn.
primed coupling base crimped of blasting cap.
Place restraining weight on exposed surface of
into midposition (wide portion) of its elongated hole
in head.
(i) Make sure that safety pin cord
(7) Remove small cotter pin from safety pin
and interceptor wire are at ground level in con-
and then gently remove safety pin. If safety pin
venient position for removal.
does not slide out easily, adjust winch winding until
(j) Conceal installation.
safety pin is loose enough to be withdrawn easily.
(k) Gently withdraw safety pin by
pulling on its cord. If it does not come out
easily, load on the mine is too light or is im-
When finally removing safety devices,
remove them from a safe distance, using a
uncover and check installation.
string or length of wire for the purpose,
(l) Withdraw interceptor wire (wire
should come out easily).
Using attached cord, pull out safety pin slowly and
carefully. It should come out easily. If it resists a
gentle pull, install safety pin and remove tripwire
(1) Carefully uncover installation.
from winch by depressing knurled knob and
( 2 ) Insert a nail or wire through
stripping off wire. Remove coupling base and check
interceptor holes.
mechanism. If defective, replace entire firing
(3) Insert safety pin.
(4) Remove restraining weight.
(5) Insert cotter pin.
(6) Remove mine (or charge) with its
Do not attempt to neutralize device for
assembled firing device. Unscrew firing device
recovery. Booby traps utilizing firing device
(firing mechanism and coupling base) from
M3 must be neutralized by blowing in place.
mine or charge.
(7) Unscrew coupling base from firing
Retain safety devices for subsequent use when
undertaking training exercises without live
Do not attempt to remove blasting cap
2-28. Release-Type Demolition Firing
from coupling base.
Preparation for Use.
Destroy coupling base with blasting cap
(1) Inspection before use. Check firing
attached, or store in a safe place.
device for any obvious defects. Make sure that
safety pin is properly installed and that lever is
( 9 ) Restore firing mechanism to
latched in set position.
original condition and packing.
(2) Installation and arming.
2-28.1. Firing Device Demolition Multi-
purpose M 142
There is no cotter pin in the M1 firing device.
General Safety Precautions.
(a) Remove cotter pin in end of M5's
(1) Visually inspect for any obvious
safety pins.
(b) Slip a nail or stout wire through
corrosion, bent, broken or missing pins, etc.
interceptor holes.
(2) Do not remove safety pin that offers
(c) Remove coupling base. Remove its
protector cap and crimp on a nonelectric blasting