TM 9-1375-213-12
(4) Exercise blasting machines by actuat-
(6) When using Sallee closer, secure wire
ing several times with nothing attached to
loops on boxes as follows:
terminals. Self-test M32 and M34 by observing
(a) Insert closer to engage larger
area between terminals after actuating several
times, Indicator lamp should glow. If lamp
bend down larger loop.
does not glow, blasting machine is defective.
(b) Holding top panel down, re-
From smaller loop until closer is pushed down
as far as possible.
If proper functioning of new blasting
(c) While pushing closer down,
machine is critical to successful comple-
swing it around to engage smaller loop in clos-
tion of blasting operations, it should be
er's teeth. Continue to swing closer around to
tested as specified below prior to start-
bend smaller loop over larger loop as far as pos-
ing operations.
(d) Remove closer from loop and use
(5) Connect a series circuit of electric
blasting caps (para 2-4) equal to the rated capac-
(e) Repeat until all wire loops are
ity of the blasting machine (i.e., 10-cap, etc.) to
a 500-foot length of No. 18 AWG firing cable.
(7) Secure wire loops with a piece of lead
Connect blasting machine and operate as speci-
seal wire if available; otherwise, use light wire.
(8) If Sallee closer is not available, use
screwdriver and or pliers.
Remember the M32 is a 10-cap blasting
3-5. Blasting Machines and Blasting
machine and the M34 is a 50-cap blast-
Circuit TEST Instruments
ing machine.
a. General. Whenever a new, used, or recon-
(a) If all blasting caps function,
ditioned blasting machine or blasting circuit
machine is developing full output.
test instrument is first received by using organi-
(b) If all blasting caps do not func-
zation, it must be inspected and tested to
tion, machine has failed to generate full output.
assure equipment is in proper working order.
Replace fired caps in the circuit and attempt to
b. Blasting Machines.
fire again using a different operator. If all blast-
ing caps again fail to fire, machine is defective
and should be turned in for maintenance.
The plastic handle of the M32 and M34
c. Blasting Circuit Test Instruments.
Blasting Machines can occasionally
(1) Blasting galvanometer.
break in service. A replacement handle
(a) Unpack galvanometers and wipe
is being made available under NSN
clean with soft, dry cloth.
Replacement is
(b) Remove screws from battery
accomplished by using a hammer and a
cover and carefully lift off cover and gasket.
small diameter pin punch or a small
Take care not to damage gasket.
nail to drive out the roll pin securing
(c) Connect galvanomenter lugs to bat-
the handle to the machine body The
tery and, using pliers, secure battery screws in
old handle should then fall free. Place
place. Assure that red galvanometers wire is con-
the replacement handle in the position
nected to battery lead wire indicated by a plus
of the original and use the hammer and
(+) sign.
punch/nail to drive the roll pin back in.
(d) Short galvanometers terminals
with pliers or other piece of metal and observe
(1) Inspect each machine for obvious
meter. A maximum deflection of the needle
external damage, such as crushed body, dam-
(reading of 25) should be observed.
aged handle, or severe corrosion. If such dam-
(e) Remove short and observe meter.
age is present, forward machine to next higher
Needle should return to zero.
maintenance level for corrective action.
(f) If meter responds properly in (d)
(2) Clean exterior of each machine with
and (e) above, place battery in battery compart-
soap and water if necessary. Keep water away
ment, assuring that cardboard insulator is prop-
from terminal and handle holes of machine.
erly laced, and that contact end of battery is in
(3) Put a few drops of light machine oil
insulated end of compartment. Position gasket
in handle hole of each 10-cap machine (except
over battery compartment so that its larger
M32 and M34). To lubricate blasting machine
(closed) area is over contact end of battery.
M32 and M34 release handle by moving D-ring
Resecure battery cover with screws. Meter is
downward, and apply a drop of oil to plunger.
ready for use.