TM 9-2320-211-10-1
Permissible Fuels
Ambient Temperature
Primary Fuels
No Limit
Diesel fuel, VV-F-800, grade DF-A
(NATO code no. F-54)
Above - 51F
Turbine fuel, MIL-T-5624, grade JP-5
(NATO code no. F- 44)
Above - 10F
Diesel fuel, VV-F-800, grade DF-1
(NATO code no. F-54)
Above +32F
Diesel fuel, VV-F-800, grade DF-2
(NATO code no F-54)
Alternate Fuels
Above -76F
Aviation gasoline, MIL-G-5572,
AVGAS 80/87 (NATO code no. F-12)
Commercial aviation gasoline
(ASTM D910) , grade 80/87
Commercial gasoline, leaded, low-
lead, or unleaded, when research
octane number (RON ) is 89 or below,
or Octane Number display on
retail gasoline pumps in CONUS is
85 or below
Above -58F
Turbine fuel, aviation, kerosene-
type, MIL-T-83133, grade JP-8
(NATO code no. F-34)
Above -46F
Turbine fuel, low volatility,
MIL-T-38219, grade JP-7
Commercial aviation turbine fuel
(ASTM D1655) , jet A and jet A-1
*Any temperature at which the fuel will flow.
Other fuels may be used to run multifuel engines.
If engine runs rough when using a new fuel, add
10% to 30% diesel fuel to smooth engine performance.
Failure to add diesel fuel to smooth engine perform-
ance will result in burned pistons.