TM 9-2320-211-10
c. Installing dual wheels:
(1) Install inner wheel (7) and capnuts (6).
(2) Aline vent holes (8) in outer wheel with vent holes of inner wheel, so that the valve
(5) is spaced a minimum of one vent hole apart from inner wheel valve.
(3) Install outer wheel nuts on studs and seat nuts properly before tightening.
(4) Tighten all wheel nuts in same numerical sequence as you did for inner wheel. Stud
nuts should be checked and tightened to torque value of 450 to 500 lb-ft by organizational
maintenance as soon as practicable.
d. Removing Jack. Turn jack bleeder valve to lower. Remove jack from under axle. Place
unserviceable wheel and tire on spare wheel mounting bracket. Clean tools, and stow in tool
Return unserviwable wheel and tire to organizational maintenance as soon as
possible for repair or replacement.
3-15. Shear
Pin Replacement.
Never substitute rivets, pins, or bolts for regular shear pin.
a. Front Winch. See para 2-15 for replacement of front winch shear pin.
b. Rear Winch.
(1) Rotate driven sprocket (9) on
winch drive shaft and aline shear pin holes in
sprocket hub and shaft.
(2) Drive broken part of shear pin
(10) from drive shaft.
( 3 ) Lubricate and insert new
aluminum alloy shear pin (10) in sprocket
hub (9) and shaft.
(4) Install cotter pin in end of shear
TA 067135