TM 9-2320-279-10-2
M984E1 General Operating Procedures (Cont)
(27) Release PARKING BRAKE and place transmission in neutral on disabled
vehicle (refer to M1008 operator's manual).
Do not contact pintle hook with lift cylinder.
Equipment damage could result.
(28) Alternately push in
TOW and LIFT CYLINDER control levers until lift
cylinder (27) is approximately 1 in. (25 mm) from pintle hook (28).
(29) Push in LIFT CYLINDER control lever to retract lift cylinder (27) until
adapters (15) are against front springs (21).
Safety chains can be routed to towing shackles or
safety chain hoop. Towing shackles can be used only
after tow cylinders are extended.
Adjust chain slack so safety chains just touch the ground.
Tow chains will act as safety chains when connected
to wrecker.
(30) Route two safety chains (22) through safety chain hoop (29) and
secure grab hooks (30) with safety shackle (31).
(31) Wrap two springs (1) around crosstube (7) and secure.