TM 9-2320-285-10
h. Lowering Cab to Normal Operating Position (continued).
If velocity fuse has set, proceed as follows:
Rotate control valve clockwise against stop and move pump handle up and down to raise cab slightly.
Follow steps (4) thru (6) above to lower cab.
a. General. Follow these procedures to protect the tractor when you ship it from one site to another.
b. Preservation and Packaging.
Do your before (B), weekly (W), and monthly (M) PMCS (refer to Section II of this chapter). Especially, check
coolant system to be sure it is filled to the proper level with a clean solution of ethylene glycol compound
conforming to NIL-A-46153A. Refer to Table 2-2 below and check that coolant has the proper mixture for the
required amount of antifreeze protection.
Table 2-2. Antifreeze Specifications
Lowest Estimated
Temperature In
Antifreeze Mixture
Geographic Area
Percent by Volume
+20 to -30 degrees F
50% Ethylene Glycol & 50% Water
-30 to -55 degrees F
60% Ethylene Glycol & 40% Water
(2) Refer to current lubrication order and lubricate tractor. Operate engine until lubricant has been circulated
throughout system. Do not drain oil from crankcase.
(3) Hydraulic System. Retract the pistons as far as linkage will permit and secure in retracted position. Coat
exposed portions of the hydraulic piston ram shafts with type P-6 preservative (CL) conforming to MIL-C-11796, class 3.
Grease, automotive and artillery, conforming to MIL-G-10924 may be used if type P-6 preservative is unavailable. Wrap
the coated shafts with type 1, class 2, grade A, greaseproof barrier material conforming to NIL-B-121.
(4) Exterior Surfaces. Coat exposed machined ferrous metal surfaces, such as fifth wheel plate, with type P-6
preservative (CL) conforming to MIL-C-11796, class 3. GAA grease may be substituted if type P-6 preservative is not
(5) Openings. Seal openings that will permit direct entry of water with pressure-sensitive tape conforming to
PPP-T-60, type IV. Bridge large openings with waterproof barrier material conforming to PPP-B-1055, and secure the
edges of the barrier material to adjacent surfaces with pressure-sensitive tape.