TM 9-2320-366-10-2
Mildew must be removed with a bristle brush before canvas can be
properly cleaned and aired. Failure to comply may result in damage to
The radiator is always cleaned first from behind with low pressure water or
air, in order to blow debris, insects, or other obstructions away from the
radiator core. Failure to comply may result in damage to equipment.
The auxiliary transmission oil cooler is always cleaned first from the top
with low pressure water or air to remove loose debris and dirt. Spray the
bottom of the auxiliary transmission oil cooler with low pressure water to
remove mud and debris from cooling fins. Do not use any type brush to
remove mud. Failure to comply may result in damage to cooling fins and
reduce cooling function of cooler.
Detailed description of specific cleaning compounds, Dry Cleaning
Solvents, dry cleaning solutions, and corrosion-removing compounds are
found in TM 9-247.
Table 3-5 provides a general guideline to cleaning materials used in