6-1. Repair and Rebuild of Taillight Assembly
ticularly for broken frame and body welds, dented
and tom panels, leaks, rust, and poor finish. Repair
Straighten any bent parts and replace those which
any defects, straightening dents and welding rips
cannot be easily straightened. Replace damaged
and tears; remove rust and corrosion; and touch
rubber parts and cables. Clean dirty or corroded
up bare or shiny spots with paint.
electrical contacts. Replace rusty or corroded
springs and sockets. C l e a n all dirty internal
6-5. Repair and Rebuild of Wheels, Hubs, and
threads, removing any foreign material with a tap
and a small brush or jet of air. Replace the housing
a. The removal and installation procedures for
if threads are very loose or badly damaged.
6-2. Repair and Rebuild of Wiring Harness
b. Inspect these items carefully for distortion and
a. Remove Harness. Remove the wiring harness
replace if damaged. Check condition of paint and
repaint if chipped, cracked, or if bare metal is
b. Inspection. Repair, a n d Rebuild. T h e
found. Inspect wheel mounting holes for excessive
procedures for the inspection, repair, and rebuild of
wear or elongation due to loose mounting and
the wiring harness receptacle is covered in TM 9-
replace the wheel if such a condition is found.
1825E. Replace cables t h a t have frayed or
Replace the wheel bolts if they are bent or the
corroded insulation.
threads are damaged.
c. Install Harness. Install the harness to the
6-6. Repair and Rebuild Standards
6-3. Repair and Rebuild of Towing At-
The serviceability standards included herin give the
minimuim, maximum, and key clearances of new or
rebuild parts. They also give wear limits which
a. Disassembly and assembly procedures for the
indicate that point to which a part or parts may be
worn before replacement. in order to receive
through 4-25.
maximum service with minimum replacement.
b. Repair and rebuild of the items consists of
Normally, all parts which have not been worn
v i s u a l and operational inspection and the
beyond the dimensions shown in the "wear limits"
replacemcnt of any broken or damaged parts. The
column or damaged from corrosion will be ap-
support leg plunger is not removable from the front
proved for service. Refer to table 6-1 and figure 4-6
support bracket. In case the plunger or spring
for repair standards.
s h o u l d become damaged, replace the lunette
support bracket.
6-4. Repair and Rebuild of Body
Inspect the body for any defects. looking par-
Table 6-1. Repair Standard
Size and fits of new
Item and point of
Fig. ref.
Outside diameter of spring pivot bolt.
Inside diameter of spring pivot bearing after sizing.