a. Two float pads are provided for placing under
landing leg feet to keep them from sinking into
soft ground.
b. Stored in brackets welded to frame.
c. Secured to landing legs with chains.
a. One chock block located on each side of semi-
b. Depending upon the terrain, place chock blocks
firmly behind or forward of wheels on each side of
Figure 2-11. Float pads (Board assembly)
c. Helps keep semitrailer from moving when truck
tractor is unhooked or when the unit is parked on
a hill.
d. A chain holds the chock block to the semi-
trailer to keep it from being lost.
e. Stowage brace stows the chock block when not
in use.
LADDER (M127 AND M127A1)
a. A retractable rear step and three ladder rungs
on the right rear panel aids climbing in and out of
the body of the semitrailer.
b. The step, when not in use, is housed in a welded
steel box suspended beneath the right rear corner of
the body frame. An opening in the rear bumper gives
access to the step and aIso serves as a foothold. A
Figure 2-12. Chock blocks
swinging latch, riveted to the inner surface of the
bumper above the left side of the opening, secures
the step in retracted position.
c. To use the step, swing the latch aside to release
the step, withdraw the step horizontally as far as the
stops will permit, then lower the step to a vertical
d. To retract the step, swing it up to a horizontal
position and shove forward through the opening
past the latch which secures it.
e. The three ladder rungs are welded to and bet-
ween the stakes of the right rear panel.