TM 9-2330-271-14&P
(2) The XM680 and XM680E1 semitrailers
(3) Remove four screws securing light in ceiling
have three dome lights with 75-watt white lamps.
and pull light down.
(3) The XM822 semitrailer has two dome lights
(4) Disconnect wires at jumper assembly (7).
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
with 75-watt explosion proof lamps installed in the rear of
the utility compartment. Two additional dome lights with
(1) Clean all parts with a clean, dry cloth.
a white 75-watt explosion proof lamp and a red 15-watt
(2) Inspect light for dents m reflector and
blackout lamp in each light are installed in the front of the
broken or chipped porcelain socket and socket retainer.
utility compartment.
(3) Straighten bulges or dents and repaint if
(1) Remove thumbscrews (9) and allow cover
(4) Inspect cover for warpage, cracks and
(7) to swing down, being careful to hold gaskets (4 and
5) and lens (3) in place in cover.
(5) Replace lens and seal if necessary.
(2) Remove gaskets and lens from snap-on
clips (6).
(1) Connect wires at jumper assembly (7).
(3) Remove attaching hardware and remove
(2) Position light in ceiling and secure with four
recessed light box (11).
(4) Unsolder wires at rear of recessed box.
(3) Position lens (3) and seal (2) in cover,
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
swing cover up and tighten captive screw.
(1) Clean interior and exterior with clean water
and soap solution. Dry thoroughly.
Fluorescent Lighting Fixture, XM822
(2) Inspect lens for cracks and breaks.
(3) Inspect body for dents. Straighten dents
and paint.
(1) The XM822 semitrailer has six dual 80-watt,
(4) Inspect cover for warpage, cracks, or other
110-volt fluorescent lights.
damage. Repair and repaint as required.
(2) Four of the fluorescent lights are installed in
(5) Inspect snap-on clips.
the laboratory compartment and two are installed in the
(6) Inspect gaskets. Replace if defective.
rear compartment.
(7) Replace all defective parts.
Use care in handling fluorescent
(2) Position recessed box in ceiling opening
lamps to prevent breakage and
and secure with attaching hardware.
possible injury to personnel.
(3) Insert gaskets (4 and 5) and lens (3) in
cover (7) in position behind snap-on clips (6).
(4) Position cover (7) on recessed box (11) and
(2) Remove eight screws and washers
secure with thumbscrews (9).
securing fixture to ceiling.
(3) Disconnect wires and remove fixture (1).
Blackout Dome Light, 115-Volt, XM822
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(1) Clean exterior of fixture with a rag
moistened with approved cleaning solvent (paragraph 3-
(1) The XM822 semitrailer has three blackout
dome lights with 75-watt, 115-volt bayonet base lamps.
(2) Clean interior of fixture with a clean, dry
Two blackout lights are installed in the laboratory
compartment and one light is installed in the rear
(3) Inspect reflector box for warpage, dents,
scratches or chipped enamel.
(2) The XM680 semitrailer has a wall mounted
(4) Remove dents, straighten any bend
110-volt blackout light with a 40-watt red lamp.
sections and paint if necessary.
(5) Inspect for defective lamp sockets and
(1) Loosen captive screw and allow hinged
cover to swing down.
(6) Replace defective components.
(2) Remove lens (3) and seal (2).