TM 9-2330-271-14&P
(10) Remove two axle connection caps (6) and
crossed threads, or damage. Using fine file, remove
two rubber pads (5).
burrs or hand chase threads if necessary.
(11) Lower jack supporting axle and remove
(2) Check axle spindles for bend. Indications
axle from underneath semitrailer.
of a bent axle spindle are binding bearings, which cannot
c. Cleaning.
be adjusted properly, and extremely uneven wear of
brake linings. Replace defective axle spindle.
(1) Clean mud and dirt from all exposed
(3) Check for damaged paint and repaint
surfaces with water and stiff brush.
where necessary.
(2) Remove grease from spindle of axle and
(4) Check that axle meets requirements of
wheel retaining parts with safety cleaning solvent.
d. Inspection and Repair.
repair standards listed in table 6-1 and figure 6-1.
(1) Check threads of axle spindle for wear,
Figure 6-3. Assembly of new axle
(1) Determine centers of equalizing arm by
(5) Weld both adapters securely as shown
adding 5 inches to air spring centers. Example: 30-inch
above with a minimum of three passes, using welding
air spring center plus 5 inches equals 35-inch equalizing
rods AWS Spec. E-7016 or equivalent.
arm center.
(6) Position tee fitting on new axle in same
(3) Position two axle adapters on bottom of
location as the original axle and secure with cap screw,
axle at the center points located in step (2) above.
lock washer and nut.
Clamp adapters in place.
(4) Using a level protractor, adjust both
adapters as shown above. Be sure adapters are parallel
and tight against axle.