c. Open drain cock on reservoir and bleed air system.
d. Disconnect hose from emergency relay valve to chamber by unscrewing hose fitting at relay valve with 7/8-inch
open-end wrench. Then disconnect hose at rear of chamber with a 9/16-inch open-end wrench.
e. Release parking brake. For front air chambers only, remove cotter pin (16, fig. 12), washer (15) and clevis pin
(13) attaching clevis (14) to slack adjuster.
f. Remove two 15/16-inch hex nuts (19) and lock washers (18) attaching air chamber to mounting bracket and
remove air chamber (1).
g. Disassemble air chamber as follows:
(1) Remove clevis (14) and jam nut (12) from push rod (9).
(2) Set chamber in vise clamping the two housing halves together.
(3) Remove clamp halves (8) by removing bolts (7) and self-locking nuts (6).
Housing halves are under spring tension. Injury could occur if assembly is not removed slowly from vise.
(4) Carefully remove housing assembly from vise and slowly separate halves.
(5) Remove push rod (91 spring (10) and diaphragm (2).
(6) Replace damaged components.
(7) Re-assemble in reverse order.
h. Mount replacement air chamber and secure with two lock washers (18) and nuts (19).
i. Using a 7/8-inch open-end wrench, loosen jam nut (12) on push rod (9) and turn clevis (14) until holes align with
holes in slack adjuster arm. Tighten jam nut.
j. Install clevis pin (13), washer (15) and cotter pin (16).
Attaching hardware is included with the replacement air chamber assembly.
k. Screw hose into emergency relay valve and air chamber fitting.