TM 9-2330-381-14
While using the oxygen/acetylene gas welding/cutting unit, wear properly tinted
goggles and protective gloves or serious burns or injury to personal may result.
Once the inner bearing cone of upper suspension bearing is heated, it will expand
and fall off of platform spindle. Position both personnel so that heated cone does
not cone in contact with your person or severe burns or injury to personnel may
The ground under the platform spindle must be free of flammable material prior to
heating the upper bearing cone. Place burn cloth on the ground beneath the
platform spindle or injury to personnel may result.
Use two people to heat the upper suspension bearing's inner bearing cone by
applying heat to the middle of the inner bearing cone around the entire cone. Do
not allow torch to heat platform spindle or serious damage to equipment may
d. Using an oxygen/acetylene unit, pass a torch between two people and evenly heat entire inner bearing cone (5) at
middle of cone. When inner bearing cone (5) is uniformly heated, it will expand and drop off of platform spindle
Do not pick up the inner bearing cone while hot or severe burns or injury to
personnel may result.
e. Allow inner bearing cone (5) to cool and discard all parts of upper suspension bearing.
Hand pack upper suspension bearing cone with grease.