TM 9-2330-386-14&P
BRAKES - c o n t i n u e d
6. GRABBING BRAKES - continued.
Step 2.
C h e c k brake adjustment.
a. If brakes are out of adjustment, check operation of automatic
b. If brakes are not out of adjustment, go to step 3.
Step 3. Check for loose or worn wheel bearings.
c. If wheel bearings are not loose or worn, go to step 4.
S t e p 4.
Remove brake drum (para. 4-38) and look for grease or oil on brake
a. If brake lining has grease on it, check camshaft O-ring for
damage, replace O-ring if defective (para. 4-35) and replace
b. If brake lining has oil on it, check wheel hub oil seal for
leakage, replace oil seal if leaking (para. 4-38) and replace
c. If brake lining shows no grease or oil, go to step 5.
Visually check for broken or frozen camshaft roller. Look for flat
S t e p 5.
spots on camshaft roller and camshaft.
c. If camshaft and roller are not defective, go to step 6.
S t e p 6.
Check for loose or worn brake lining.
a. If brake lining is loose or worn, replace brake shoes (para.
b. If brake lining is not loose or worn, go to step 7.
C h e c k f o r c r a c k e d , s c o r e d , or deformed brake drum.
S t e p 7.
b. If brake drum is scored, notify direct support maintenance.