TM 9-2330-386-14&P
b. Test.
(1) Using lb-in torque wrench, turn
adjusting nut (16) in direction
s h o w n . Read torque indication
w h i l e you turn torque wrench 22
complete revolutions, to rotate
slack adjuster gear 360 degrees.
(2) If torque indication is 45 lb-in
o r less during the complete 360
degree rotation of slack adjuster
gear, the slack adjuster is okay.
(3) If torque indication is more than
45 lb-in, the slack adjuster is
defective. Replace slack adjuster.
c. I n s t a l l a t i o n
(1) push new collar (15) in clevis (14).
(2) Install clevis (14) with collar (15) on brake chamber push rod (18) at
position recorded during removal. Do not tighten the push rod jam
nut (19).
(3) Measure thread engagement between clevis (14) and push rod (18). If thread
engagement is less than 1/2 inch, turn collar (15) on push rod until
t h r e a d engagement is 1/2 inch minimum.
(4) Tighten jam nut (19) against collar (15) assembly to hold clevis in
correct position.
(6) Apply clean GAA grease to camshaft (17) splines and splines on slack
adjuster (11) gear.
(7) Install spacer (12) and slack adjuster (11) on camshaft (17).
(8) Install washer (10) and retaining ring (9) on camshaft (17).
(a) Using thickness gage, measure clearance between washer (10) and
r e t a i n i n g r i n g ( 9 ) . C l e a r a n c e must not exceed 0.062 inch.
(b) If clearance is more than 0.062 inch, remove retaining ring (9) and
install additional washer(s) (10) until correct clearance is obtained.