TM 9-2330-388-14
Lubricate the
equipment and provide blocking or framing to allow for
ventilation and water drainage. Support cover away from
item surfaces which may rust, rot, or mildew.
General Cleaning, Painting, and Preservation
Non-Water Carrying Surfaces.
Care of Equipment In Administrative Storage
Maintenance Services. After equipment has
been in administrative storage, inspect, service, and
Do not direct pressurized water or steam
exercise as specified herein.
against air cleaners, exhaust outlets,
unsealed electrical systems, fire control
Inspection. Inspection will usually be visual and
instruments, or any exterior opening which
must consist of at least a walk-around examination of all
will damage a component.
equipment to observe any deficiencies that may have
occurred. Inspect equipment in open storage weekly
(1) Cleaning. Clean the equipment of dirt,
and that in covered storage monthly. Immediately after
any severe storm or environmental change, inspect all
degreasing. Remove foreign objects that are wedged
equipment. The following are examples of things to look
between wheels.
for during visual inspection:
(2) Painting. Remove rust and damaged pa by
(1) Low or flat tires.
scraping, wire brushing, sanding, or buffing. Sane a
smooth finish and spot paint as necessary 43-0209).
Correct CARC paint for this applicator identified as
(3) Corrosion or other deterioration.
13226-E-7414. If M1098 Water tanker painted with
(4) Missing or damaged parts.
Chemical Agent Resistant Coat (CARC) then specific
(5) Water in compartments.
requirements for respiratory protection, ventilation and
(6) Any other readily recognizable
surface preparation must met. Contact your supporting
comings or deficiencies.
safety or industrial hygiene office for guidance prior to
working with CA paint.
Repair During Administrative Storage. Keep
equipment in an optimum state of readiness.
(3) Preservation. After cleaning and drying,
Accomplish required services and repairs as
immediately coat unpainted non-water carrying me
expeditiously as possible. Whenever possible, perform
surfaces with an oil or grease, as appropriate. Use
all maintenance "on site".
Exercising. Exercise equipment in accordance
with table 4-14, Exercise Schedule; and the following
Place a piece of barrier material between
desiccant bags and metal surfaces.
(1) Vehicle Major Exercise.
equipment by removing only that material restricting
Air circulation under draped covers reduces
exercise. Close all drains, remove blocks, and perform
all before-operation checks. Couple semitrailer to towing
vehicle and drive for at least 25 miles. Make several
(4) Weatherproofing. Sunlight, heat, moisture
right and left 900 turns. Make several hard braking stops
without skidding. Do the following during exercising
all covers (including vehicle protective closures)
when it is convenient and safe: operate all other
authorized for the equipment.
Close and secure
functional components and perform all During and After
openings except those required for venting and draining.
operation checks.
Seal openings to prevent the entry of rain, snow, or dust.
Insert desiccant when complete seal is required. Place