TM 9-2350-275-BD
5. Record the BDAR action taken. When the mission is completed, as soon as
practicable, repair the vehicle using standard maintenance procedures.
General Information
Insufficient engine lubrication will occur if the oil level is low. Loss of oil can occur by
the engine burning it or by damaged or ruptured filters, oil cooler and lines. The cause
of oil loss must be repaired or eliminated prior to adding oil or substitutes. Appendix C
lists oil substitutes which are acceptable for longer time periods. Other sources are:
a. Damaged engines from other vehicles.
b. Used oil.
c . Diesel fuel, not to exceed 50 percent (approximately two gallons).
d. Gear oil, diluted with diesel to lower the viscosity.
e . Any petroleum based brake or hydraulic fluids.
Care must be taken when using a non-standard oil substitute. The lubricating quality is
greatly reduced resulting in engine life being considerably shorter. As soon as the
proper oil is available the oil filters and crankcase must be serviced.