TM 9-2350-277-10
0094 00
Center guide (T130 and T150). The center guide has to be 1/8 inch thick or more, measured 2 3/4 inch from the face
of the track. The center guide must be at least 2-3/4 inches long. If the track shoe track gauge fits over the center guide,
center guide is worn. Report to unit maintenance to replace the track shoe. Use track gauge as shown for T150. If track
gauge touches shoe, replace shoe.
Rubber inserts (T130 only). Look at the rubber inserts that bear on the road wheels. If there is 3/8 inch or more
separation between the rubber and metal all the way around, the shoe must be replaced. If the insert shows chunking
1/2 inch or more deep on 10 percent or more of its surface, the shoe must be replaced.
Bushing wear (T130 and T150). With the track on the carrier and under normal tension, insert pins of track and
sprocket gauge into track shoes. (T130) If pins of track gauge enter both track shoes freely, track bushings are OK;
if pins do not enter both track shoes freely, bushings are worn. Report any worn bushings to unit maintenance.
(T150) If track shoe gauge enters both end connector pins, bushings are worn. Notify unit maintenance to replace
track shoe.
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