TM 9-2590-209-14&P
a. During assembly, replace with new preformed
j. Press bearing (7) into housing (8). Screw
packing, seals, and all worn or damaged parts.
threaded retainer assembly (3) into bore of housing (8).
Match gear teeth, mating as etched on teeth.
b. Insert bearing (21) into retainer (23) and secure
with snapring (20).
k. Install drain plug (18) and plug (16) in housing
c. Install preformed packing (24) in recess of
retainer (23).
l. Position gasket (9) and plate (15) on housing (8),
and secure with six lockwashers and screws (10 and 11).
Gears (6 and 19) are a matched pair;
replace as a set.
for lubrication of power takeoff right-
d. Insert gearshaft (19) into bearing (21) and
angle drive.
secure with snapring (22).
e. Insert seal (28) on gearshaft (19).
a. Lock the output drive shaft and rotate the input
f. Press bearing (17) into housing (8). Using
drive shaft, and check for backlash. Tighten or loosen
the input drive shaft retainer until backlash specification
retainer (23) into bore of housing (8).
is obtained.
g. Position lockring (25) on retainer (23), and
b. Check measurement of dimension "A".
Maximum deviation from dimension "A" shall not exceed
+0.0017 inch.
h. Press bearing (4) into retainer assembly (3) and
secure with snapring (5).
c. Repeat procedures a and b as required, until
dimension "A" and backlash specifications are obtained.
i. Slide gearshaft (6) into bore of bearing (4), and
secure with snapring (1).