TM 9-3405-206-14 & P
Fig. 23
no equipment for filing, set and braze or weld blades
A band saw blade is a delicate piece of steel that is
take them to a saw filer for reconditioning.
subjected to tremendous strain.
It is not practical to re-sharpen either the skip tooth
Be sure to use blades of the proper thickness, width, and
blades or the regular hard-edge flexible-back metal
temper for the various types of material to be cut.
cutting saw blades.
Always use the widest blade possible. Use the narrow
Any One of a number of conditions may cause a band
blades only for sawing small, abrupt curves and for fine
saw blade to break. Blade breakage is, in some cases,
delicate work. This will save blades and will produce
unavoidable, being the natural result of the peculiar
better work. Band saw blades may be purchased,
stresses to which such blades are subjected. It is,
welded, set and sharpened ready for use. For cutting
however, often due to avoidable causes, most often to
wood and similar materials they are available in widths of
lack of care or judgment on the part of the operator in
1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 and 3/4 inches.
mounting or adjusting the blade or guides. The most
common causes of blade breakage are: (1) faulty
Blades for metal cutting should be selected for the
alignments and adjustments of the guides, (2) forcing or
particular job they are to do. Blades for cutting thin
twisting a wide blade around a curve of short radius, (3)
metal, for example, should be selected so that there will
feeding too fast, (4) dullness of the teeth or absence of
always be at least two teeth in contact with the edge of
sufficient set, (5) excessive tightening of the blade, (6)
the work. If the teeth are allowed to straddle the work
top guide set too high above the work being cut, (7)
they will be torn off and the blade ruined.
using a blade with a lumpy or improperly finished braze
Generally speaking, thick stock requires larger teeth and
or weld and, (8) continuous running of the saw blade
a slower cutting speed than thin stock. See Fig. 23 for
when not in use for cutting.
recommendations of blades and cutting speeds for
New blades for the standard 14 inch band saw are 931/2
different materials and thickness.
inches long. The adjustment will accommodate blades
File and set the wood cutting blades whenever it requires
up to a maximum length of 94 inches and to a minimum
pressure to make them cut. If a blade is broken it can be
length of 911/2 inches. When equipped with the No. 28-
brazed or welded; however, if it has become badly work-
984 Height Attachment, new blades should be 105
hardened it will soon break in another place. If there is
inches long; maximum and minimum lengths are 106
and 1031/2 inches.